Activity eats, for some of mothers, sometime claims many sacrifices. Might be there is rallying call and scream thrown, alternated tear which overland flow, because chlid do not willing to eat. No wonder if when eats to become tiring out activity and cleanses energy.
Of course, a mother expected for always patient, especially because activity eats not merely making chlid is enough [by] requirement of its(the gizi, but the activity also can be made experience of learning for child of balita. At the time of child of strarting speaks, activity eats can be made supporting facilities for mother to teach taste concept, taste expression, colour concept, texture concept, concept number of, and measure concepts. Patience of mother does this activity can water down process to eat and enrichs knowledge knowledge baby. This is concept adopted as expansion from concept introduced by by Feurstine and Pnina Klein in the year 1983 and conceived of concept Mediated Learning Experiences ( MLE).
Both development experts of the chlid affirms that the happening of learning process is required [by] mediator or medium between child of with its(the areas. In the case of activity eats, mother or nursemaid acts as mediator to introduce various concepts and fact met by chlid in its(the living environment. this MLE also applicable when activity eats taking place. Its(the example is when feeding, mother can give information about what eaten, how likely, is its(the colour, how much/many the numbers, etcetera.
Feeding technical with concept MLE can be done in 5 phase, that is:
1. Awakens attention and desire of child of react
Ms. inviting chlid to eat and gives sign that mealtime had arrived. To draw attention of chlid, mother applies expression verbal and nonverbal, to activate chlid sensor. For example, telling, “ Yuk, eats … Its(the sausage aroma is delicate ,soo” ( so that child of smelling food). Ms. then takes saucer and lets chlid is holding equipments to eat, its(the food, and imitates what told by mother. Ms. also mentions name of food given, likely, its form, its(the texture, and strengthens with voice expression or mimick. Repeats this thing several times.
2. Gives meaning that is in character affective to experience
Mentions name of food following attribute accompanying it. For example, “ Darling eaten rice, yes. Delicious of nih its(the rice anget. Pake sausage will? Interest like, yes, its(the sausage? Colour is its(the sausage. O iya, red … “
3. Dribbles chlid to think to the future by seeing its(the bearing with present and past or sees causality
To make chlid can see bearing from what done the existing with condition which there will be in coming is accustom small si sees causality. For example, “ Darling, its(the mamam pake vegetable, yes. This there are its(the spinach. Lets healthy, leted later not ill easy if love to eat vegetable.”
4. Gives praise and awakens self confidence taste and competence at chlid
If chlid ate truly, mother nor stingy meritoriously. For example, if(when s(he has finished one food spoons, just direct of mother praises about the cleverness. More than anything else if(when food can be finished elegantly, without there are crumb. “ Pinter banget deh unhappily Mama, eats it pot is clean, its(the desk cleanness. Something overland flow not because eating it precautions …”
5. Accustoms chlid is planning all activities which will be taken, shows that any action to have pattern
In drawing up activity to eat, chlid shall also is entangled, for example when cleaning hand, prepares food, telling a story the things is being done mother, until setting right desk after activity to eat after. This thing is done many times, so that forms habit and pattern to eat healthy.
To process study to become easier and situation to please, mother better also performs [a] eye contact with balita. Besides, mother suggested to have empathy taste, will give opportunity at ducky to talk, tries sharing pleasing feeling, and follows what becoming inisitif and also chlid response. interaction of Mother or intensive chlid when this feeding can be made supporting facilities for untk to increase cognate ability of chlid.
What the things of if(when mother no time feeding up x'self the chlid? Actually, nursemaid also can stand to become mediator. Of course, has become mother duty to delegate this role that nursemaid can act as mediator which is good that child of comprehending its(the life, teachs to act empathy and impetous invites chlid is chating, and acting righteously adult who is teaching chlid patiently.
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Dead sleep = optimal brain
Dead sleep = optimal brain
This sleep business actually quite a few commented by the experts. And simply, sleep gives effect that is very positive for development of small si. Most importantly, sleep is one of stimulus for growing brain flower. Even, this activity become ‘ door ' from growing brain flower child of hereinafter that be smart, sensible, and thinks limpid. Oppositely can?
Of course, around 75% growth hormone released at the time of child of sleep, especially beginning of third phase and fourth sleep ( sees box “ This Is Various Sleep Phases”). Height of this tightly growth hormone rate of its(the relationship with condition of physical of small si. The reason is, this hormone has duty stimulates growth of bone and network, and arranges body metabolism, including also brain!
Despitefully, growth hormone also enables body to improve;repair and innovates all the cell in body. Starts from skin cells, corpuscle until brain nerve cell. So, processed renewal of this cell will take place is quicker again when small si is fallen aslip compared to when similar!
Also, the increasing of blood stream to brain during sleep phase REM ( Rapid Eye Movement) or active sleep phase ( sees box “ This Is Various Sleep Phases) plays important role in psychical health and brain activity, causing enables his(its optimal grows brain flower.
Even, theoritical of autostimulation, height of sleep component REM at baby shows stimulation happened in brain also takes place more maximum. This stimulation of course vitally for growth of formation system of small si central nerve.
If small si unable to sleep...
At children, more than anything else baby, unable to sleep having a real impact harms at growth and development of its(the physical. Definitive, sleep has share in increasing small si body endurance to infection. If its(the sleep until annoyed, phabocyte rate in body will decline. If it is like this, resistant power system effectiveness of body child of also go with the stream declines. Result of his(its? Easy small si of pain, its(the growth is also annoyed.
Not only that, unable to sleep also has impact to growing chlid brain flower, especially ability thinks it. What solvent of full concentration if its(the body fatigue. As a result, quality of ability thinks it is thus low. Its(the back parts is yes deals with intellegence of child of also. So, if you wished solvent small si of response or breaks things which s(he must thought of carefully, condition of its(the body musti prunes.
Besides, baby that is unsatisfying sleep it is possible that mengais always, and difficult to be arranged. If it is like this, you also busy isn't it?
This sleep business actually quite a few commented by the experts. And simply, sleep gives effect that is very positive for development of small si. Most importantly, sleep is one of stimulus for growing brain flower. Even, this activity become ‘ door ' from growing brain flower child of hereinafter that be smart, sensible, and thinks limpid. Oppositely can?
Of course, around 75% growth hormone released at the time of child of sleep, especially beginning of third phase and fourth sleep ( sees box “ This Is Various Sleep Phases”). Height of this tightly growth hormone rate of its(the relationship with condition of physical of small si. The reason is, this hormone has duty stimulates growth of bone and network, and arranges body metabolism, including also brain!
Despitefully, growth hormone also enables body to improve;repair and innovates all the cell in body. Starts from skin cells, corpuscle until brain nerve cell. So, processed renewal of this cell will take place is quicker again when small si is fallen aslip compared to when similar!
Also, the increasing of blood stream to brain during sleep phase REM ( Rapid Eye Movement) or active sleep phase ( sees box “ This Is Various Sleep Phases) plays important role in psychical health and brain activity, causing enables his(its optimal grows brain flower.
Even, theoritical of autostimulation, height of sleep component REM at baby shows stimulation happened in brain also takes place more maximum. This stimulation of course vitally for growth of formation system of small si central nerve.
If small si unable to sleep...
At children, more than anything else baby, unable to sleep having a real impact harms at growth and development of its(the physical. Definitive, sleep has share in increasing small si body endurance to infection. If its(the sleep until annoyed, phabocyte rate in body will decline. If it is like this, resistant power system effectiveness of body child of also go with the stream declines. Result of his(its? Easy small si of pain, its(the growth is also annoyed.
Not only that, unable to sleep also has impact to growing chlid brain flower, especially ability thinks it. What solvent of full concentration if its(the body fatigue. As a result, quality of ability thinks it is thus low. Its(the back parts is yes deals with intellegence of child of also. So, if you wished solvent small si of response or breaks things which s(he must thought of carefully, condition of its(the body musti prunes.
Besides, baby that is unsatisfying sleep it is possible that mengais always, and difficult to be arranged. If it is like this, you also busy isn't it?
Monday, July 21, 2008
milk best for baby
Era mothers now have been more aware of the importance of giving mother milk water ekslusif during 6 month of its(the ducky create. After a period of 6 month of elapsing, hence the mother would directly weans its(the chlid.
desire to wean fruit of us after 6 month of is better if delayed formerly because water supply MOTHER MILK WATER in second year of life of baby will give extra benefit.
When stepping on second year, ability of baby grows, like crawling or learning runs and enters all something to its(the mouth. As a result, baby would easy to experience infection of disease. Hence, suggested mother still suckle baby after its(the first anniversary to maintain impenetrability of its(the body to viral attack and bacterium cause of disease.
UNICEF merekomendair milk ibukan besides giving of well-balanced nourishment and imunisair mother milk, age baby 12-24 months is suckled often possibly. Of course there is strong reason why the mothers diimbau to suckle its(the baby entering second year.
Following its(the benefit:
1 MOTHER MILK WATER in second year of its(the immunity factor content increases.
Research mentions antibody matter is available in infinitude at mother milk water during the suckling. But simply some of impenetrability factors in mother milk water konsentrair its(the mother milk increases during second year and during weaning process ( weaning).
2 Mother Milk Water Supply after baby 6 month of preventing allergic risk and asthma.
3 MOTHER MILK WATER minimizes pain risk child of age 16-30 months.
American Academy of Family Physicians sees children weaned before age two years increases its(the risk ( AAFP 2001). Other research mentions child of age 16-30 months suckled rarer pain, even so ill hence briefer illness compared to chlid coeval which is not is suckled.
4 MOTHER MILK WATER is required [by] ill chlid.
UNICEF merekomendair milk ibukan child of below(under three years ill to be given mother milk water, because mother milk water is easiest nourishment is digested [by] when small si lost appetite.
5 MOTHER MILK WATER in richer second year of nutrition.
Research dr. Dror Mandel, dkk, express mother milk water from mother suckling multiple year its(the fat content and energy increases compared to mother milk water from mother suckling briefer.
6 MOTHER MILK WATER in second year source of fat and vitellarium do not be replaced.
Based on research of Adelheid W. Onyango dkk concludes mother milk water is source of fat and vitellarium which do not be replaced by any sapihan food
So, now cockier mother isn't it gives finite mother milk water of ducky is having age 2 year?
Source: Only Woman
desire to wean fruit of us after 6 month of is better if delayed formerly because water supply MOTHER MILK WATER in second year of life of baby will give extra benefit.
When stepping on second year, ability of baby grows, like crawling or learning runs and enters all something to its(the mouth. As a result, baby would easy to experience infection of disease. Hence, suggested mother still suckle baby after its(the first anniversary to maintain impenetrability of its(the body to viral attack and bacterium cause of disease.
UNICEF merekomendair milk ibukan besides giving of well-balanced nourishment and imunisair mother milk, age baby 12-24 months is suckled often possibly. Of course there is strong reason why the mothers diimbau to suckle its(the baby entering second year.
Following its(the benefit:
1 MOTHER MILK WATER in second year of its(the immunity factor content increases.
Research mentions antibody matter is available in infinitude at mother milk water during the suckling. But simply some of impenetrability factors in mother milk water konsentrair its(the mother milk increases during second year and during weaning process ( weaning).
2 Mother Milk Water Supply after baby 6 month of preventing allergic risk and asthma.
One of the best way prevents allergy and asthma is suckle is exclusive during six-month and continues it is finite is having age small si 2 year. extention of Water supply SUSU IBU means delays during possible of contact baby with allergen matter. MOTHER MILK WATER x'self assists quickens maturation of resist in baby intestine, arranges in layers baby intestine and hinders the entry of allergen molecule into baby blood and gives protection of anti inflamatory causing depress infection risk stimulates allergy.
3 MOTHER MILK WATER minimizes pain risk child of age 16-30 months.
American Academy of Family Physicians sees children weaned before age two years increases its(the risk ( AAFP 2001). Other research mentions child of age 16-30 months suckled rarer pain, even so ill hence briefer illness compared to chlid coeval which is not is suckled.
4 MOTHER MILK WATER is required [by] ill chlid.
UNICEF merekomendair milk ibukan child of below(under three years ill to be given mother milk water, because mother milk water is easiest nourishment is digested [by] when small si lost appetite.
5 MOTHER MILK WATER in richer second year of nutrition.
Research dr. Dror Mandel, dkk, express mother milk water from mother suckling multiple year its(the fat content and energy increases compared to mother milk water from mother suckling briefer.
6 MOTHER MILK WATER in second year source of fat and vitellarium do not be replaced.
Based on research of Adelheid W. Onyango dkk concludes mother milk water is source of fat and vitellarium which do not be replaced by any sapihan food
So, now cockier mother isn't it gives finite mother milk water of ducky is having age 2 year?
Source: Only Woman
increases chlid creativity
celebrated MISSIONARY, KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar ( Aa Gym - red.) often told a story about his(its creative behavior in children formerly.
" At that time not merely creative me, other school friends also so. For example one would sees in my pocket always slipped between pulpen famous brand. Though, knew not attached by my disa am the clothes only its(the pulpen cover. That also cover pulpen result of finding," its(the story showed card. Its(the purpose only wishs dressy. That example only be small from someone creativity.
According to education observer of Islam Drs. Asep Sujana, children in its(the school is formerly have been condition to release its(the creativity energy?power like through handicraft subject or hastakarya with making some ornament, souvenir goods, or equipments of household from the goods in house area and school. Now, s(he sees situation kondusif that rather creative chlid decreases.
" My time in elementary school ( SD), have ever been ordered makes interest vase from clay. Now its(the tastes have been difference. Children SD [shall] no longer be ordered makes interest vase, but brings interest vase then is decorated with paper or colour paint in school. At development hereinafter, children SD brings interest vase which have been decorated in house, rather than in school," says Asep Sujana, also official member of Asosiasi Education Organizer of Indonesia( Appidi) this Jabar.
Various progresses of technology might be make creativity energy?power child of also becomes decreasing sharpened by most all can be done very easy.
Even so, expert of education that is also Prof Dr communications expert. KH. Djalaluddin Rakhmat, MSc., creativity energy?power screw pine child of actually can be grown through pengondisian of situation of learning. Examplizeed it, in school led by it - SMU PLUS MUTHAHHARI BANDUNG - school student is freed [by] learning in class without having to sits with natty position.
" Between teachers, school organizer and pari pasu student as learning partner teachs. In class, student can fiddle faddle with its(the teacher as to its(the sister. Even, we animate also music, that can be stimulate its(the brain so that jenius and superkreatif," says KH. Djalaluddin Rakhmat.
In other schools, effort awakens creativity child of also is done. For example, in Darul Hikam, Al Ma'soem, Assalaam, Salman Al Farisyi, Al Ghifari, PGII, ISTIQOMAH, or Inwrought Islam Elementary School ( SDIT) " Imam Bukhari" Darling Cikeruh. Activity type awakens creativity all kinds, like race colours, paints, sport, or discussion.
" Endeavour awakens creativity we to alli through study pattern in class and outside class by based [by] experience of the teachers during becoming counsellor or children menthol. For example, student we point for creative per me, creative in skill subject, and creative thinked of x'self existence and its(the area in context ke-Mahakuasa-an of God SWT. For that is, the teachers often having partner with educative children and its(the family doing camp or ber-tadabur nature," says Kepala SDIT " Imam Bukhari" I.. Masudin.
Pass having nuance intellectual creativity pattern ruhiyah like that, express Masudin, expected children is not creative in things which must is not done, for example boy installs earring in its(the ear, its(the hair pigtail is alike woman, etc.
THEN, [is] there any its(the relationship between creativities with intellegence?
According to psikolog child of Dr. Seto Mulyadi. MPsi., very tightly of its(the relationship. Therefore, chlid may not only educated that be smart, but also creative and has stable emotion.
" Unhappily, becoming orientation of the existing education, either in school and also in house is how creating smart chlid logically, mathematics, and language. Meanwhile, other intellegence like musical intellegence, visual of spasial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist still unable to get correct portion," said psikolog which is chummy is addressed with Kak Seto.
There is assumption child of having to clever intellectually that later gets work of matching with its(the intellegence. Though, till now many clever chlids intellectually, but failing emotionally. Possibly that is one of reason, why the existing many happened tawuran. Actually, says Kak Seto, many clever chlids. But, because its(the emotion difficult to be controlled, having anthem becomes channel self-satisfy by illed temperament sulking.
" Because only relies on cognate or intellectual intellegence, many mans who his(its smart is excrutiatingly becomes so(after frustration and takes to abuse narkoba. Be rather just emotions, direct follows tawuran so that seen tawuran many done by smart children intellectually," flux Kak Seto.
Problem of this creativity and intellegence in fact of vital importance. Its(the reason, both psychical aspects of that is pledge in facing becoming its(the stringency emulation of life in globalization era now.
In the eyes of psikolog Dra. Alva Handayani, SPsi., challenge would be heavier again for they the existing children still. In its(the adult age is later, they must deal with progress of science and technological and very emulation weight, more than what experienced by by we the existing. Besides emulation with nation x'self, they also must vie with people or overseas company as result of globalization of commerce. This emulation doesn't triffle. Otherwise is anticipated carefully, can all be useless overdue and. For the purpose, required way of anticipating it. For example by building chlid intellegence.
" Only smart chlid, creative, and stable of which able to survive in ossifying it this emulation. And, education becomes all important factor in creating smart chlid, creative, and stable. Education here include;covers formal education in school and also informal in house," said Alva.
Frequently education - which notabene way of building intellegence - exactly becoming not effective because only makes account of one of side. As educating chlid cognately only. Meanwhile, its(the emotion have never been touched. This makes chlid is coming under pressure and not happy.
ON THE OTHER SIDE, it is said creativity child of acap times difficult to grow, though creativity needed to to answers challenge in front. Indonesia Culture assessed as one of constraint growing of chlid creativity.
Till now child of thought well and clever if malleable, obedient, beloved, and will do thing told by teacher, old fellow or whose also older. Chlid will be assumed pest if rebelious him(her and did thing unmatched to old fellow desire. Image a kind of that is growing in Indonesia.
Creativity child of Indonesia now tends to unable to spring up flower. The education, either by old fellow, teacher, and also public, still orienting at old fellow hopes, non chlid desire. Child of let to grows in weak situation and position, below(under old fellow and or teacher.
" Education system of the existing Indonesia doesn't create creative children. Good pupil till now is diligent pupil, malleable, and obedient, and can do problems as which has been taught teacher, comes up with its(the semicolon must precisely," said Kak Seto.
Kak Seto explains, education of Indonesia only develop intellectual intellegence. That also only exploits 1 gratuity part of brain, while 99 other % has not been exploited optimal. " Einstein exploits 20 % its(the brain. If we exploit our brain 20 % only, we would as super Einstein."
Then, how developing chlid creativity?
Kak Seto screw pine a all important thing in developing creativity and even talent child of is must please. Thereby, child of feeling likes, pride, and self confidence. Its(the love to anything which will be done it, will arise and chlid would easier to study it. Other intellegence also earns easy to be reached for because usually successfulness in one areas can influence successfulness in other area.
In the end later emerges self-concept which are positive at chlid x'self. This concept emerges from solidarity between internal factors in chlid x'self ( has big love at what he was doing) and eksternal from school area and family.
Suggested it, that child of esteemed as child of itself. Chlid need to become their/his self, with all excesses and insuffiency. Each chlid differs in so that they need to be given opportunity to lay open each desire. Chlid may not be forced does thing his(its unwelcome.
" If till now is told ' hormatilah bapak-ibumu', does also ' hormatilah chlid rights'," assertive of Kak Seto as great as explaining frequently old fellow to assume children below old fellow so that free is treated any kind. If old fellow wish children to respect them, old fellow need to learn respects their children.
" Chlid needs byword and example of from old fellow. We must have motto ' Big nation is nation esteeming children right'," assertive of Kak Seto. He is sure, chlid would more diligently learnt if(when they to grow with pride and esteemed. " If not is esteemed, they would unconvinced of x'self, and motivation go to school declines."
" Chlid doesn't be flattered. Esteems them as it is that chlid don't have cretinous mental, but strong.
Lets chlid to become their/his self and multiplies embraces or touchs chlid. This touchs psychologically can hearten whom also, including chlid.
" Boy also must be made no difference by touch can prove that we are adjacent life and in dependency. This also important to train emotion sensitivity."
HOW important develops creativity and chlid talent? Of course the importance is very big. " Talent will grow carefully when supported by creativity," said Seto Mulyadi. Then why, to what end, and activity type which how important for chlid? Important for child of age how much/many? Activity in meaning of movement, action, and activity of child of can become one of chlid health indicator. Health is basis for healthy growth and development, either in physical and also psychological.
So, to develop correct talent and chlid creativity, without forcing will;desire is better if old fellow to pay attention to base principles written in number Law 23 the year 2002 about Protection of Chlid :
Firstly, every activity must refer to best for chlid ( best interest of the child), be base principle which must be held old fellow in developing talent and chlid creativity. But, this statement doesn't be misinterpreted by forcing old fellow will;desire because the concerned best for child of is according to opinion?sight child of itself.
This drawn from second public principle from convention of children right mentioning that best interest of the child ( best for chlid), what drawn in section 3 article 1 convention, express, " In all action concerning chlid done by prosperity institutes of governmental social and also private sector, jurisdiction institute, legislative government agency or body, best importance for child of having to to become main consideration."
Second, continuity of life and development of child of is a a real big chlid life concept and must be looked into accross the board for the shake of child of itself. This thing is visible at problems of everyday life concerning chlid life. Like choosing education line of chlid, usual frequently becomes decision as of the side of valid old fellow or adopter ( without reference to desire or talent owned by child of itself).
Third, miscellaneous is concerning this principle that need to be paid attention is development of physical ( Section 27 paragraph 3, Section 26); development of Mental, especially concerning education ( Section 28 and 29); Including education for handicap children ( Section 23); Development of morale and spiritual ( Section 14); development of social, especially concerning the right to obtain information, express opinion, and federal ( Section 12, 13, 17); Development in culture ( Section 30 and 31).
This fourth principle is elementary principle at the same time basis steady for interpretation ( interpretation) and execution overall of contents of convention. Mean, every opinion?sight child of need to be paid attention in every decision making which will influence life and development of chlid. That is because his(its is Section 12 article 1 convention express, " Participant nations will guarantee that children having opinion?sight x'self will obtain the right to express opinion?sights they freely in all thing which
" At that time not merely creative me, other school friends also so. For example one would sees in my pocket always slipped between pulpen famous brand. Though, knew not attached by my disa am the clothes only its(the pulpen cover. That also cover pulpen result of finding," its(the story showed card. Its(the purpose only wishs dressy. That example only be small from someone creativity.
According to education observer of Islam Drs. Asep Sujana, children in its(the school is formerly have been condition to release its(the creativity energy?power like through handicraft subject or hastakarya with making some ornament, souvenir goods, or equipments of household from the goods in house area and school. Now, s(he sees situation kondusif that rather creative chlid decreases.
" My time in elementary school ( SD), have ever been ordered makes interest vase from clay. Now its(the tastes have been difference. Children SD [shall] no longer be ordered makes interest vase, but brings interest vase then is decorated with paper or colour paint in school. At development hereinafter, children SD brings interest vase which have been decorated in house, rather than in school," says Asep Sujana, also official member of Asosiasi Education Organizer of Indonesia( Appidi) this Jabar.
Various progresses of technology might be make creativity energy?power child of also becomes decreasing sharpened by most all can be done very easy.
Even so, expert of education that is also Prof Dr communications expert. KH. Djalaluddin Rakhmat, MSc., creativity energy?power screw pine child of actually can be grown through pengondisian of situation of learning. Examplizeed it, in school led by it - SMU PLUS MUTHAHHARI BANDUNG - school student is freed [by] learning in class without having to sits with natty position.
" Between teachers, school organizer and pari pasu student as learning partner teachs. In class, student can fiddle faddle with its(the teacher as to its(the sister. Even, we animate also music, that can be stimulate its(the brain so that jenius and superkreatif," says KH. Djalaluddin Rakhmat.
In other schools, effort awakens creativity child of also is done. For example, in Darul Hikam, Al Ma'soem, Assalaam, Salman Al Farisyi, Al Ghifari, PGII, ISTIQOMAH, or Inwrought Islam Elementary School ( SDIT) " Imam Bukhari" Darling Cikeruh. Activity type awakens creativity all kinds, like race colours, paints, sport, or discussion.
" Endeavour awakens creativity we to alli through study pattern in class and outside class by based [by] experience of the teachers during becoming counsellor or children menthol. For example, student we point for creative per me, creative in skill subject, and creative thinked of x'self existence and its(the area in context ke-Mahakuasa-an of God SWT. For that is, the teachers often having partner with educative children and its(the family doing camp or ber-tadabur nature," says Kepala SDIT " Imam Bukhari" I.. Masudin.
Pass having nuance intellectual creativity pattern ruhiyah like that, express Masudin, expected children is not creative in things which must is not done, for example boy installs earring in its(the ear, its(the hair pigtail is alike woman, etc.
THEN, [is] there any its(the relationship between creativities with intellegence?
According to psikolog child of Dr. Seto Mulyadi. MPsi., very tightly of its(the relationship. Therefore, chlid may not only educated that be smart, but also creative and has stable emotion.
" Unhappily, becoming orientation of the existing education, either in school and also in house is how creating smart chlid logically, mathematics, and language. Meanwhile, other intellegence like musical intellegence, visual of spasial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist still unable to get correct portion," said psikolog which is chummy is addressed with Kak Seto.
There is assumption child of having to clever intellectually that later gets work of matching with its(the intellegence. Though, till now many clever chlids intellectually, but failing emotionally. Possibly that is one of reason, why the existing many happened tawuran. Actually, says Kak Seto, many clever chlids. But, because its(the emotion difficult to be controlled, having anthem becomes channel self-satisfy by illed temperament sulking.
" Because only relies on cognate or intellectual intellegence, many mans who his(its smart is excrutiatingly becomes so(after frustration and takes to abuse narkoba. Be rather just emotions, direct follows tawuran so that seen tawuran many done by smart children intellectually," flux Kak Seto.
Problem of this creativity and intellegence in fact of vital importance. Its(the reason, both psychical aspects of that is pledge in facing becoming its(the stringency emulation of life in globalization era now.
In the eyes of psikolog Dra. Alva Handayani, SPsi., challenge would be heavier again for they the existing children still. In its(the adult age is later, they must deal with progress of science and technological and very emulation weight, more than what experienced by by we the existing. Besides emulation with nation x'self, they also must vie with people or overseas company as result of globalization of commerce. This emulation doesn't triffle. Otherwise is anticipated carefully, can all be useless overdue and. For the purpose, required way of anticipating it. For example by building chlid intellegence.
" Only smart chlid, creative, and stable of which able to survive in ossifying it this emulation. And, education becomes all important factor in creating smart chlid, creative, and stable. Education here include;covers formal education in school and also informal in house," said Alva.
Frequently education - which notabene way of building intellegence - exactly becoming not effective because only makes account of one of side. As educating chlid cognately only. Meanwhile, its(the emotion have never been touched. This makes chlid is coming under pressure and not happy.
ON THE OTHER SIDE, it is said creativity child of acap times difficult to grow, though creativity needed to to answers challenge in front. Indonesia Culture assessed as one of constraint growing of chlid creativity.
Till now child of thought well and clever if malleable, obedient, beloved, and will do thing told by teacher, old fellow or whose also older. Chlid will be assumed pest if rebelious him(her and did thing unmatched to old fellow desire. Image a kind of that is growing in Indonesia.
Creativity child of Indonesia now tends to unable to spring up flower. The education, either by old fellow, teacher, and also public, still orienting at old fellow hopes, non chlid desire. Child of let to grows in weak situation and position, below(under old fellow and or teacher.
" Education system of the existing Indonesia doesn't create creative children. Good pupil till now is diligent pupil, malleable, and obedient, and can do problems as which has been taught teacher, comes up with its(the semicolon must precisely," said Kak Seto.
Kak Seto explains, education of Indonesia only develop intellectual intellegence. That also only exploits 1 gratuity part of brain, while 99 other % has not been exploited optimal. " Einstein exploits 20 % its(the brain. If we exploit our brain 20 % only, we would as super Einstein."
Then, how developing chlid creativity?
Kak Seto screw pine a all important thing in developing creativity and even talent child of is must please. Thereby, child of feeling likes, pride, and self confidence. Its(the love to anything which will be done it, will arise and chlid would easier to study it. Other intellegence also earns easy to be reached for because usually successfulness in one areas can influence successfulness in other area.
In the end later emerges self-concept which are positive at chlid x'self. This concept emerges from solidarity between internal factors in chlid x'self ( has big love at what he was doing) and eksternal from school area and family.
Suggested it, that child of esteemed as child of itself. Chlid need to become their/his self, with all excesses and insuffiency. Each chlid differs in so that they need to be given opportunity to lay open each desire. Chlid may not be forced does thing his(its unwelcome.
" If till now is told ' hormatilah bapak-ibumu', does also ' hormatilah chlid rights'," assertive of Kak Seto as great as explaining frequently old fellow to assume children below old fellow so that free is treated any kind. If old fellow wish children to respect them, old fellow need to learn respects their children.
" Chlid needs byword and example of from old fellow. We must have motto ' Big nation is nation esteeming children right'," assertive of Kak Seto. He is sure, chlid would more diligently learnt if(when they to grow with pride and esteemed. " If not is esteemed, they would unconvinced of x'self, and motivation go to school declines."
" Chlid doesn't be flattered. Esteems them as it is that chlid don't have cretinous mental, but strong.
Lets chlid to become their/his self and multiplies embraces or touchs chlid. This touchs psychologically can hearten whom also, including chlid.
" Boy also must be made no difference by touch can prove that we are adjacent life and in dependency. This also important to train emotion sensitivity."
HOW important develops creativity and chlid talent? Of course the importance is very big. " Talent will grow carefully when supported by creativity," said Seto Mulyadi. Then why, to what end, and activity type which how important for chlid? Important for child of age how much/many? Activity in meaning of movement, action, and activity of child of can become one of chlid health indicator. Health is basis for healthy growth and development, either in physical and also psychological.
So, to develop correct talent and chlid creativity, without forcing will;desire is better if old fellow to pay attention to base principles written in number Law 23 the year 2002 about Protection of Chlid :
Firstly, every activity must refer to best for chlid ( best interest of the child), be base principle which must be held old fellow in developing talent and chlid creativity. But, this statement doesn't be misinterpreted by forcing old fellow will;desire because the concerned best for child of is according to opinion?sight child of itself.
This drawn from second public principle from convention of children right mentioning that best interest of the child ( best for chlid), what drawn in section 3 article 1 convention, express, " In all action concerning chlid done by prosperity institutes of governmental social and also private sector, jurisdiction institute, legislative government agency or body, best importance for child of having to to become main consideration."
Second, continuity of life and development of child of is a a real big chlid life concept and must be looked into accross the board for the shake of child of itself. This thing is visible at problems of everyday life concerning chlid life. Like choosing education line of chlid, usual frequently becomes decision as of the side of valid old fellow or adopter ( without reference to desire or talent owned by child of itself).
Third, miscellaneous is concerning this principle that need to be paid attention is development of physical ( Section 27 paragraph 3, Section 26); development of Mental, especially concerning education ( Section 28 and 29); Including education for handicap children ( Section 23); Development of morale and spiritual ( Section 14); development of social, especially concerning the right to obtain information, express opinion, and federal ( Section 12, 13, 17); Development in culture ( Section 30 and 31).
This fourth principle is elementary principle at the same time basis steady for interpretation ( interpretation) and execution overall of contents of convention. Mean, every opinion?sight child of need to be paid attention in every decision making which will influence life and development of chlid. That is because his(its is Section 12 article 1 convention express, " Participant nations will guarantee that children having opinion?sight x'self will obtain the right to express opinion?sights they freely in all thing which
Sunday, July 20, 2008
dictionary blog
Your create green still which has not known many about worlds blog, this there are some you terms that need to know. Create which have been squeezing, which have been many eating world salt blog also not there are his(its wrong is oppositely baca-caca this article. Here intentionally not to in order of alphabet but is compiled based on each category.
* Blog
Blog : term which is first applied by Jorn Barger to call group of personal website the always is updated in kontinyu and contains link-link to other website which they assume is interesting is accompanied with comments.
Weblog : term differ from blog.
Blogging : activitys performed within world blog.
Blogger : someone who is doing blogging.
other meaning: a service blog from google.
Blogosphere : community in blogging.
Posting : activity to send article into blog.
* Form Of Blogging
Photoblogging : a blog focussed at world Photografi and pictures.
Podcasting : method to distribute multimedia file ( video/audio) onlinely passed feeds
Autocasting : form of podcasting automatically.
Blogcasting : merger of blog and postcas in a wensite.
Vlog / Vlogging : type blogging which more love to apply video than text.
Audioblog / Audioblogging : type blogging which more love to apply audio/musik than text.
Moblogs / Moblogging activity of blogging by using HP ( handphone).
* Component and Function Of Blog
Index page : front yard from blog.
Header : topmost part of blog.
Footer : part very under blog.
Sidebar : columns residing in side blog.
Link : process to interfac to a postingan/kontent or to other web/blog.
Archive : sekumpulan/arsip from all postingan. Can be grouped in month, year pl p2 etc.
Categories : specific sekumpulan/sekelompok from some articles.
Commnets : comment from readers blog.
Captcha : abbreviation " Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart", that is a picture containing word or letter which must be typed for verification. Good for menangkal spam.
Ping ( Packet Internet Grouper) : functions to inform services relating to blog ( like tchnocarty dkk) that we has just added or updates konten our blog.
Trackback : functions to inform that us me-link to postingan or kontent blog others.
Blogroll : a group of link dijukan to other blog.
Template : base design blog.
Plugin : a functioning file to add feature2 blog.
Facia : an appearance containing controls, tool, setting etc when first time we are logins to blog account.
* Service Feeder Blog
Blogger/Blogspot : Free blog service from google.
Wordpress : One of other free blog service, has feature which more complete than bloggercom but we cannot mengotak-atic of script HTML, kalo will edit must pay [for] formerly, thus create that is free not ngedit can.
LiveJournal : Tolls free blogging from SixApart
TypePad : Tolls blogging is not free of charge ( payee) from SixApart.
* Bloging Habits
Metablogging : writes article about blogging.
Blogstipation : blogger is being lazy ngeblog, because medium of bad mood or pingin ngeblog not.
Blogopotamus : Postingan blog a real length.
Bleg : it is when someone requests at a blog.
Blego : Blog+Ego, properties measure blogger.
Blog Hopping : Go about out of one blog to other blog.
Blogroach : Commentator that is disagree with postingan or kontent a blog, usually is laid open with harsh words.
Blogoholic : holic Blog.
Blogorific / Blogtastic Suatu awful thing from word blogger.
Blogsit : Keeping of blog when the main owner of blog is traveling or medium of vacation.
Blogvertising/Blogvert : The advertisements in blog.
Blurker : Reader blog which only look around only, doesn't give comment or any.
Blogathon : mengaupdate blog every 30 minutes and during 24 hours non-stop.
Blogiversary : Anniversary Blog.
Blog Carnival : Link to other article disguised to specific topic.
Multiblog : implements many blog.
Blog Tipping : praise or felicitation every date of 1 per month.
Blogger Bash : Party of the blogger.
Reciprocal Links / Link Exchange : or Link Love, be each other me-link between blog which one with other blog.
Linkbaiting : writes article that is good so that dilink by other blog.
* Blog
Blog : term which is first applied by Jorn Barger to call group of personal website the always is updated in kontinyu and contains link-link to other website which they assume is interesting is accompanied with comments.
Weblog : term differ from blog.
Blogging : activitys performed within world blog.
Blogger : someone who is doing blogging.
other meaning: a service blog from google.
Blogosphere : community in blogging.
Posting : activity to send article into blog.
* Form Of Blogging
Photoblogging : a blog focussed at world Photografi and pictures.
Podcasting : method to distribute multimedia file ( video/audio) onlinely passed feeds
Autocasting : form of podcasting automatically.
Blogcasting : merger of blog and postcas in a wensite.
Vlog / Vlogging : type blogging which more love to apply video than text.
Audioblog / Audioblogging : type blogging which more love to apply audio/musik than text.
Moblogs / Moblogging activity of blogging by using HP ( handphone).
* Component and Function Of Blog
Index page : front yard from blog.
Header : topmost part of blog.
Footer : part very under blog.
Sidebar : columns residing in side blog.
Link : process to interfac to a postingan/kontent or to other web/blog.
Archive : sekumpulan/arsip from all postingan. Can be grouped in month, year pl p2 etc.
Categories : specific sekumpulan/sekelompok from some articles.
Commnets : comment from readers blog.
Captcha : abbreviation " Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart", that is a picture containing word or letter which must be typed for verification. Good for menangkal spam.
Ping ( Packet Internet Grouper) : functions to inform services relating to blog ( like tchnocarty dkk) that we has just added or updates konten our blog.
Trackback : functions to inform that us me-link to postingan or kontent blog others.
Blogroll : a group of link dijukan to other blog.
Template : base design blog.
Plugin : a functioning file to add feature2 blog.
Facia : an appearance containing controls, tool, setting etc when first time we are logins to blog account.
* Service Feeder Blog
Blogger/Blogspot : Free blog service from google.
Wordpress : One of other free blog service, has feature which more complete than bloggercom but we cannot mengotak-atic of script HTML, kalo will edit must pay [for] formerly, thus create that is free not ngedit can.
LiveJournal : Tolls free blogging from SixApart
TypePad : Tolls blogging is not free of charge ( payee) from SixApart.
* Bloging Habits
Metablogging : writes article about blogging.
Blogstipation : blogger is being lazy ngeblog, because medium of bad mood or pingin ngeblog not.
Blogopotamus : Postingan blog a real length.
Bleg : it is when someone requests at a blog.
Blego : Blog+Ego, properties measure blogger.
Blog Hopping : Go about out of one blog to other blog.
Blogroach : Commentator that is disagree with postingan or kontent a blog, usually is laid open with harsh words.
Blogoholic : holic Blog.
Blogorific / Blogtastic Suatu awful thing from word blogger.
Blogsit : Keeping of blog when the main owner of blog is traveling or medium of vacation.
Blogvertising/Blogvert : The advertisements in blog.
Blurker : Reader blog which only look around only, doesn't give comment or any.
Blogathon : mengaupdate blog every 30 minutes and during 24 hours non-stop.
Blogiversary : Anniversary Blog.
Blog Carnival : Link to other article disguised to specific topic.
Multiblog : implements many blog.
Blog Tipping : praise or felicitation every date of 1 per month.
Blogger Bash : Party of the blogger.
Reciprocal Links / Link Exchange : or Link Love, be each other me-link between blog which one with other blog.
Linkbaiting : writes article that is good so that dilink by other blog.
tips that baby belchs
Belchs after drinking milk necessary for baby, because will obviate it from flatulent stomach.
When your baby are milk, often air go with the stream admission with milk. Usually, air volume that tee by baby drinking slimmer mother milk water compared to baby drinking bottle milk. So, air volume entering this would more amount of if way of its(the milk is not acurate, small si not peace, or just wept endless of angry effect or starvation Kok, can? When milk comes into baby stomach, entering air ‘ tantalum ' on the top stomach. As a result, its(the flatulent stomach. Baby also thus weeps always.
To avoid flatulent baby stomach, soon belch after s(he is milk at each bosom. Actually, there is 3 position of used occasionally baby belch to. But, every baby usually has position of favorite which ‘ according to him ' balmiest. So, clever ‘ reads ' contents of its(the heart.
Position of facing rear
- Puts down face towel or handkerchief at your shoulder to arrest;detain milk vomit.
- Carries on the back baby to face rear with crutch at your shoulder.
- Upholds its(the body and lets its(the head leans in your shoulder.
- Applies one hands to arrest;detain its(the nape and backside, whereas other hand of mengelus-elus its(the back until s(he belchs.
Position of laying with chest downward in lap
- Faces down small si above lap.
- Its(the chest crutch is by hand to lead it is be rather higher from its(the bodies.
- Cares its(the back until s(he belchs.
Position of carried on the back before
- Carries on the back baby by the way of nape antiers and backside in front of your body.
- Labours to lead it is be rather higher from its(the chests.
- Puts down face towel or handkerchief in its(the chest to accomodate vomit.
- Cares its(the back until s(he belchs.
Sri Lestariningsih
When your baby are milk, often air go with the stream admission with milk. Usually, air volume that tee by baby drinking slimmer mother milk water compared to baby drinking bottle milk. So, air volume entering this would more amount of if way of its(the milk is not acurate, small si not peace, or just wept endless of angry effect or starvation Kok, can? When milk comes into baby stomach, entering air ‘ tantalum ' on the top stomach. As a result, its(the flatulent stomach. Baby also thus weeps always.
To avoid flatulent baby stomach, soon belch after s(he is milk at each bosom. Actually, there is 3 position of used occasionally baby belch to. But, every baby usually has position of favorite which ‘ according to him ' balmiest. So, clever ‘ reads ' contents of its(the heart.
Position of facing rear
- Puts down face towel or handkerchief at your shoulder to arrest;detain milk vomit.
- Carries on the back baby to face rear with crutch at your shoulder.
- Upholds its(the body and lets its(the head leans in your shoulder.
- Applies one hands to arrest;detain its(the nape and backside, whereas other hand of mengelus-elus its(the back until s(he belchs.
Position of laying with chest downward in lap
- Faces down small si above lap.
- Its(the chest crutch is by hand to lead it is be rather higher from its(the bodies.
- Cares its(the back until s(he belchs.
Position of carried on the back before
- Carries on the back baby by the way of nape antiers and backside in front of your body.
- Labours to lead it is be rather higher from its(the chests.
- Puts down face towel or handkerchief in its(the chest to accomodate vomit.
- Cares its(the back until s(he belchs.
Sri Lestariningsih
easy to make photograph slid baby
Again I talk about animation, of course with animation can make life thus life ( rich of advertisement aja ). Yes in this opportunity will try in debate about how to make animation of picture and or photograph. To all great friend ( from now on I will familiarize calls you to become great friend, lets more familier yes) which has accustomed applies animation program for example MacroMedia Flash Player and or its(the friends goods has of course non thing that is whew and or odd, but for a group of people like this me, makes photo animation is a a real very difficult thing.
[is] there any between the great friends blogger which like me? if the answer there are yes we are emang in the same boat ( life in the same boat), but didn't formerly great friend mental breakdown blogger, aphorism spells out members many road(streets towards rhoma ( rhythm).. in the case of inipun either the way namely we can apply service situs-situs animation maker. In internet buaanyak once situs photo animation maker, the numbers thousands or even millions. So for example that is To make an animation photograph in slidecom, please follow stages;steps following :
1. For towards situs please click here
2. First step that is great friend must enlist is former at situs
3. Article click Sign Up to do registration ( free list)
4. Great friend enamel address input at column provided. contents of also password wanted
5. If had, please click knob sign Up, and automatic of great friend has stepped into yard account great friend
6. Step of hereinafter is do animation making
7. Click style, to choose style from animation
8. click skin, to choose animation frame
9. click Size to choose measure
10. Knob Click Select Image, then input foto/image is wishing input great friend
11. knob click Upload to do photograph upload process
12. If upload process completed, click knob Save
13. Copy of HTML code which in gives, then paste at program is notepad
14. Article click Log Out to go out from situs. Please close browser yard
15. Step of hereinafter is the animation HTML code input into your blog
from :
[is] there any between the great friends blogger which like me? if the answer there are yes we are emang in the same boat ( life in the same boat), but didn't formerly great friend mental breakdown blogger, aphorism spells out members many road(streets towards rhoma ( rhythm).. in the case of inipun either the way namely we can apply service situs-situs animation maker. In internet buaanyak once situs photo animation maker, the numbers thousands or even millions. So for example that is To make an animation photograph in slidecom, please follow stages;steps following :
1. For towards situs please click here
2. First step that is great friend must enlist is former at situs
3. Article click Sign Up to do registration ( free list)
4. Great friend enamel address input at column provided. contents of also password wanted
5. If had, please click knob sign Up, and automatic of great friend has stepped into yard account great friend
6. Step of hereinafter is do animation making
7. Click style, to choose style from animation
8. click skin, to choose animation frame
9. click Size to choose measure
10. Knob Click Select Image, then input foto/image is wishing input great friend
11. knob click Upload to do photograph upload process
12. If upload process completed, click knob Save
13. Copy of HTML code which in gives, then paste at program is notepad
14. Article click Log Out to go out from situs. Please close browser yard
15. Step of hereinafter is the animation HTML code input into your blog
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