Saturday, September 6, 2008

tips baby weep

Baby Weeps without Because?

It is possible that s(he is attacked [by] colic. Although seems to worrying, colic is not disease which serious.

Colic is situation where baby weeps is continuous redundantly ( more than 3 hour(clock one day and [at] least 4 day within a week). This trouble can happened since small si borned until age 3-4 months. That is because his(its, recognized also colic term three months.

But, direct didn't anticipate sure baby of colic if weeps berlibahan. Because, weep might possibly happened because s(he is peckish, too fatigue

Its(the cause is not sure

Colic often is related to existence of trouble at alimentary canal, for example its(the spastic effect muscle in gut wall or there are air in intestine. But, possibly also colic happened because baby to experience intoleransi allergic alias lactose to milk sapi/susu formula. Even so, causative specific mechanism the happening of colic up this moment until now has not been known surely. It is not strange if (there are) any estimation that colic is materialization from fail to of small si effort to communicate with its(the old fellow.

Other disease, like fever ( above temperature 37,5 ° C), diarrhoea, or other infection also makes it rewel . cause of its(the crying, soon fulfills requirement of baby. Soon brings to medical doctor if(when continuous colic baby, or attack between two lights hardly bothers. For example, s(he often awakes and suffers decease.

Prevents whilst can

There is no way which tokcer to prevent colic. Although so, no his(its wrong if(when you tries minimization cause of his(its. For example, investigates is position of its(the mouth has snugly when milk, and belch truly as of milk pot is clean so that no air coming into intestine.

Even so small si is anticipated [by] colic, there are some effort which you able to do to assuage its(the weep. Definitive , doesn't quickly hopeless! So fails, tries other way.

If(When You feels frustration ( because baby weeps always) and didn't know what to do again, puts down baby in its(the bed, then killed room;chamber lamp. That way, You and peace baby can be. As note, you better enough rests. So, does custody and treatment of baby in rotation with your couple, for example.

Important, panic doesn't. Colic will disappear in a few week, and there is no long-range impact to its(the health. More than anything else, u its(the mum, b ayi which colic still have good appetite and increase of its(the normal body weight.

Recognizes Its(the symptom

- Weeps redundantly after drinking or when sleep similar, especially between two lights. Baby remain to be normal healthy and besides the time.

- Tangis difficult to be stopped when ‘ attack ' happened.

- When weeping, its(the face having colour its(the squeezing and foot/feet diangkat-angkat ( knee is bended [by] towards its(the chest).

- Stomach possibly flatulent .

Does This!

- Ascertains requirement of baby fufilled . For example, s(he doesn't too hungry or must be awaiting stripper to be suckled.

- Embraces , so that small si feels balmy. Enjoys is just contacted skin to skin.

- Strokes its(the back by laying with chest downward baby above your lap.

- Invites taking the air with cart or car rising expecting him to peace.

- Baths with warm water and creates situation rileks between two lights .

- Rocks small si while menyanyikan or turns around its(the favorite song.

Goddess Handajani

Scientific consultancy: dr. I.G.A. Nyoman Partiwi, SpA, IDAI Jaya, RS BUNDA, Jakarta.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

tips Dead sleep = optimal brain

Sleep is activity done by all mortals, do not aside from man. And, from baby until manula, this activity of course have never been is absent in our life. Does sih its(the profit sleep?

Dead sleep = optimal brain

This sleep business actually quite a few commented by the experts. And simply, sleep gives effect that is very positive for development of small si. Most importantly, sleep is one of stimulus for growing brain flower. Even, this activity become ‘ door ' from growing brain flower child of hereinafter that be smart, sensible, and thinks limpid. Oppositely can?

Of course, around 75% growth hormone released at the time of child of sleep, especially beginning of third phase and fourth sleep ( sees box “ This Is Various Sleep Phases”). Height of this tightly growth hormone rate of its(the relationship with condition of physical of small si. The reason is, this hormone has duty stimulates growth of bone and network, and arranges body metabolism, including also brain!

Despitefully, growth hormone also enables body to improve;repair and innovates all the cell in body. Starts from skin cells, corpuscle until brain nerve cell. So, processed renewal of this cell will take place is quicker again when small si is fallen aslip compared to when similar!

Also, the increasing of blood stream to brain during sleep phase REM ( Rapid Eye Movement) or active sleep phase ( sees box “ This Is Various Sleep Phases) plays important role in psychical health and brain activity, causing enables his(its optimal grows brain flower.

Even, theoritical of autostimulation, height of sleep component REM at baby shows stimulation happened in brain also takes place more maximum. This stimulation of course vitally for growth of formation system of small si central nerve.

If small si unable to sleep...

At children, more than anything else baby, unable to sleep having a real impact harms at growth and development of its(the physical. Definitive, sleep has share in increasing small si body endurance to infection. If its(the sleep until annoyed, phabocyte rate in body will decline. If it is like this, resistant power system effectiveness of body child of also go with the stream declines. Result of his(its? Easy small si of pain, its(the growth is also annoyed.

Not only that, unable to sleep also has impact to growing chlid brain flower, especially ability thinks it. What solvent of full concentration if its(the body fatigue. As a result, quality of ability thinks it is thus low. Its(the back parts is yes deals with intellegence of child of also. So, if you wished solvent small si of response or breaks things which s(he must thought of carefully, condition of its(the body musti prunes.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Recognizes Pregnancy Marking

Recognizes Pregnancy Marking

Not you be sure be pregnant even menstruation have been coming late one week? Even there [are] test pack pregnancy test to, sometime trusts change at body as pregnancy forerunner still be way which ampuh.

Following marking to ascertain pregnancy is not of you.

Bosom nipple is more arises

If you are pregnancy, you will recognize that its(the bosom and nipple becomes is blander around three weeks after impregnation ( when overdue menstruation around one week). Possibly bosom felt swelling, similar to when nearing menstruation.

Emerges flek and muscle-bound

When you are pregnancy, usually is marked with appearance flek pink in underpants happened is when implantation ( manakala embryo patchs in uterine wall. This thing happened around 8 - 10 days proposes ovulation, be rather earlier are compared to comes it menstruation time). Sometime we are wrong interprets it as menstruation, only its(the time is shorter compared to normal menstruation.

Muscle-bound also common happened in the beginning of pregnancy. Until pregnancy of second trimester, muscle-bound like this will emerge. Contraction in womb happened regularly, increases with athletics, orgasm and even position change.

embezzlement of Areola

At initial pregnancy, you possibly recognizes areola area ( dark area encircling bosom) starts to become darker and its(the big diameter. Believed that increasing its(the dark areola colour will assist newborn baby finds putting milk to. You are possible also will recognize, that vein in bosom becomes more looked to be because bosom erector.

Abundant fatigue

If you are pregnancy, symptom that is most commonly in 8 - first 10 weeks is feeling run down. When body pregnancy experiences change of metabolism signifikan. All your body need to do adjustment to new process sprung up it foetus. For most of woman, fatigue will go when pregnancy age of 12 weeks.

Queasy and puking

If you are pregnancy, in the early of pregnancy, a few days after impregnation, possibly will experience morning sickness. Actually morning this sickness wrong name, because practically queasy and puking can happened any time, morning, noon, or night.

Often urinates

When overdue menstruation of 1 hinga 2 week, possibly desire urinates to become a more regular compared to usually. This because foetus growing in womb to depress urine channel.


Defecation becomes is difficult and not fluent? Inveterate this happened in the early of pregnancy. Addition hormone produced during pregnancy to cause small intestine is more elastically and becomes less efficient.

Its(the rising body dropsy temperature

For certain that you with a child, if body dropsy temperature increased, when a period of menstruation which ought to arrive goning beyond and doesn't go down to level before happened ovulation. When the happening of impregnation, ovum fruit of in tuba falopii and requires around one week for to womb, where ovum fruit will patch there.

Menstruation doesn't come

This initial forerunner of pregnancy, more than anything else if menstruation accustomed came regular. Combined with above positive marking, very possibly you of course pregnancy.

If you wish to ascertain its(the truth, does with test pack which able to be bought is free in drugstore or dispensary. Accurate urine test for pregnancy of age 10 - 14 days. Important to remember, pregnancy test which able to be done in that house 100% correctness is not guaranted, even after through even a blood cheque. If all tests result of of negativity, while you feels as of pregnancy nymph, soon investigates yourself to obstetrician.