Saturday, July 5, 2008

two tips good traffic blog

Two Key Ingredients For Attracting Attention
The first part of creating attention (traffic) to a blog, is the age-old advice you will have read over and over again if you study successful blogging:
"Write good content"
So yes, the foundation of a great blog is good content. Where people go wrong is deciding what good content is, given their goals (usually the error is made when determining exactly what the goals are and what strategies will be used to meet the goals) and assuming that just good content is enough.
The other key ingredient is marketing.
Did I mention that all professional bloggers need to have business skills? Yep, that’s right, marketing – the fine art of attracting attention and THE key component for successful business – is a paramount ingredient for successful blogging. It’s through marketing that people find your good content.
I’ll discuss how to market a blog in a moment, but first we have to make sure you avoid the first error I mentioned – not having a strategy in place for producing the right type of good content given your goals.
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tips ESQ for baby

how to teach esq to our baby :
1. Since in contents of listens or sings happily about kindness or Al-qur'an
2. When bearing s(he will understand concerning the, I have tried the thing
3. with singing happily al-Qur'an or classic song hence development of baby brain works optimally, many matters concerning terebut.
4. for believer islam the thing hence we have taught kindness to child of us

Blogger Buzz: Show off your favorite blogs with a Blog List

Blogger Buzz: Show off your favorite blogs with a Blog List

pregnant tips

chlid is godsend from the infinite that is extremely esa, when our wife with a child must measure up to which more patient, usually if wife with a child they are leebih indulged than the usual, many things making them to worry like body increasing fat, worried with baby candidate, fear leaved by husband, we are as husband should be able to make calm them, that is our duty as husband.

Pregnancy which ought to be pregnancy planned.
" Sometime there are husband who disagree its(the wife pregnancy. This of course may not. Anything happened with reproduction process of wife, husband must support 100 %," explicitly Sugi. More than anything else, why should pregnancies is a period of difficult for wives.
" Its(the big stres charge. If it is taken scale stres 0-100, pregnancy at scale 40. So, if feeling not to get support, sometime later mother to be can be be annoyed at its(the pregnancy. More than anything else, at undesirable pregnancy. Woman able to abort the pregnance it."
After pregnancy soybean cake, husband support from also of vital importance. " When pregnancy is when sensitive for a woman. So, can be possibly creates situation that is pickaback wife feeling. For example, invites taking the air is light fiddling faddle, speaks positive and is smooth, etcetera. This will make wife to feel balmy, besides also increasingly tightens the relation of husband and wife."

praise berry
Nearest as one who, husband of course is assumed very knew requirement of wife. When pregnancy, a woman experiences change, either physical and also bounces. " Husband better comprehend this change. Habits of wife also possibly changed as result of change of the physical, so that husband have to be more patient. Also doesn't overanxious. Dread will seen and felt [by] wife, so that will influence condition of emotion of wife."
Possibly husband worries and confuses, more than anything else if pregnancy of the wife was first experience. " But this doesn't be showed. On the contrary, doesn't also too cuek. Possibly intention of husband to strengthen wife, but it is possible that perception wife of husband will as cuek, indifferent.
From health side, husband better also supports wife. For example by eliminating smoking habit or drinks alcohol.
In the case of change of physical of happened, most mother to be feels s(he thus more and more fat, more and more bad. So, this bad image sometime changes into negativity, causing makes it is unsure is x'self. " Here the role of husband is required. They must enunciated and will add praise and attention."


Foetus able to hear clearly since week ke-20. So, be better if foetus do not only listens its(the mother voice. Father voice also better have started defined," says Clara as great as continuing, " That way, affection started built [by] since chlid there is in content."
Which do not less important, builds positive carry. Words that is impressing angry, words depicting mother which stres or depression, or sigh as result of the many problems, better don't be said in " front" foetus. " Soulful which are positive, because this will build basic trust between foetuses with old fellow, so that foetus would easier to build taste to believe later." Sorrowful tone, for example, will felt its(the emotion and can also influences foetus. As a result, child of later can grow as chlid which is easy worried, hyperactive ( for example if mother had many problems.), etcetera.
Ability spoke also will be assisted if since foetus, child of strarting invited to communicates. " Says all seuatu with happiness, with presence pride will of small si. Happy nuance thrown by suami-istri will give positive effect at foetus. He would more shatterproof ( survives), fighting its(the spirit is also would more. This would looked to be in initial ages."
If personality of positive mother to be, couple parent ready to receive pregnancy, added husband always gives positive support from, foetus also gets many positive effects.

Any kind of which may not be done husband when pregnancy wife?
In the case of correlating sex, of course there is no prohibition of pregnant woman does intimate relationship. But is better if husband comprehends condition of wife, its(the sigh is, how much/many pregnancy age, etcetera, " Even so will did intimate relationship, must to both desire. Position of also must be adapted for condition of physical of wife," explains Clara.
Husband better don't looked to be indifferent. Or on the contrary, hardly worriing. If ignoreed about pregnancy of the wife, a lot of questioning to medical doctor or reads book.
Husband shall not make communications internal issue. Doesn't make emotion of wife annoyed. For example, angry or quarrels. Wife create always in positive emotion. When pregnancy, wife possibly will more sensitive, thus husband also must enunciated. Doesn't fish things which able to make angry wife or sedih/tertekan, because can influence content.
Avoids all thing having the character of abuse, either physical and also bounces, included in the talking. Empathy husband must. For example, assists homework, etcetera.
Presence of husband when copy also do not less important. It is possible that, panic husband faces the wife which had arrived time to bear.
" Better panic don't. Minimum, labours in order not to looked to be panic. Positive support from wife berry with simple action like massaging," says Sugi. " Takes courage wife that event of copy is remarkable thing, but also experienced by all women and s(he is ready for that."
Presence of husband in delivery room of course would hardly assists. " This will become when meaning for couple. Even can become harmonious fastener. Wife also feels getting remarkable support." But, even so husband is not ready, at least when preparation of s(he has given support
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Friday, July 4, 2008

blog pillar

A pillar is blog content, usually an article, which does some very important things:
It will bring in a rush of new readers and backlinks (other sites linking to your blog).
• It will continue to bring in more readers over time as you and other people refer to it, even though it may be buried in the archives of your blog.
• Eventually it will bring in traffic from search engines (this is largely because so many other web pages link to it).
• You can list it in a separate area (like an articles page) with all your other pillars so your best content can easily be accessed and your value clearly demonstrated.
• It is not time dependent, so in twelve months’ time it will still be relevant and popular.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

traffic blog

Compound Effects
Okay, so how do you become a top blogger with huge traffic?
You use the power of compound effects, starting with little communication channels, leveraging what traffic you have until you hit bigger and bigger communication channels.
The problem when you first start out is no one will give you access to big communication channels and you probably haven’t built one of your own yet. Obviously if you already own a top blog or have a newsletter with thousands of subscribers you will use these tools – your existing big communication channels – to help with the launch of your new blog.
Most bloggers just starting out do not have access to large sources of traffic to begin with, hence it is always hardest when you first start since you have nothing to leverage (use this knowledge to motivate you, not discourage you – it only gets easier as you build your web assets).
The strategy to use is still baby-step methodology, but you focus on taking an ever-larger step each time – 1+1+2+2+2+3 etc - until one day you hit a big break.
Suddenly you’re adding 100+90+70 new readers each day when you hit a large communication channel. It will die down again eventually, but you won’t settle back to only adding two or three new readers a day, it will be five or ten because you opened up a larger source of traffic that keeps flowing and has a runoff effect.
Once you get to your first 100 readers it’s just that little bit easier to get your next hundred. Each time you tap into a big source of traffic you will add a new chunk of readers to your base audience, making it even easier to get your next big source of traffic. This is the result of compound effects and it applies just as well to blog marketing as it does to saving money in a bank.
It is through compounding of the traffic you attract from multiple communication channels, starting with the small sources, that you increase your leverage and access to ever greater sources of traffic.
from: Yaro Starak

IQ baby

Measures IQ Baby

Many parents who is hoping can know early on was its(the smart baby. Tapia equipment which available to measuring intellegence of baby still a few and problematic. Measure which many applied, Bayley Scales of Infant Development measures will child of having age 1 year response will to simple imperatif-imperatif like ‘ enters ball kedalam box ' or child of 4 month of will reach for its(the toy. But until so far there is no connection between scores Bayley baby at the age of 6 or even 12 months with IQ its(the adult, so according to expert neurobiology Lise Elliot from Chicago Medical School, book writer What's Going On indium There? This valids for most test IQ baby. Its(the cause is possible of all the tests emphasizes skill of motor and perceptual compared to skill verbal, spatial, and logic which in Developed countries culture compared to intellegence.

Intellegence of adult of course seen depend on speed process information and memory capacities. The psychology experts finds 3 valuation to assess this abilitys :

Memory recognizes is visual

Does baby know, that picture in the theatre of the slid had changed or something had emerged before peeped out again? Baby from age 2 until 8 month passing the time is [at] least looked at picture because accustomed quickly, or seeing is longer at new slid because recognizing it as something new, tends to has higher level IQ test number at the age of 18 months.

Crossed feeling switchover

Does baby can recognize visually thing felt [by] it? Child of age 1 year which able to tell, that furry object touched by it in box but have never been seen is the as cotton ball and non wood, has higher level IQ test number at the age of 11.

Object eternity

Does baby can remember object cache, for example animal doll filled by the kapok is moved in front of its(the face and then is hidden below(under pillow? Child of age 1 year direct towards to pillow has higher level IQ test number is during the time its(the child compared to baby which amnesia that there are a toy before eliminated.

This tests doesn't have the character of prediktif in meaning of actually. Can determine 8 out of 10 feeling switchovers acurately for example, not be predicting IQ 120. More important again, the test done to research into, to assist the psychology experts finds intellegence bases. Is not meant to give parent soybean cake by earlier 18 years about intellegence of its(the chlid.


topic blog

How To Choose Your Blog Topic – Passions Vs. Profits
Passions Vs Profit
Do you pick a blog topic because of the potential for making money from it, or because you like it?
Consistent output is crucial, so if you can’t see yourself writing about a topic in six months, don’t choose that topic.
There’s a lot of advice out there regarding how to choose a topic to blog about. Some will tell you to focus on profitability. Find the niches that people spend money in and that are currently not serviced well by other blogs.
Others will tell you that it doesn’t matter about the money, it’s all about how much you care about the topic. If you focus on passion, things you personally enjoy and know about, creating good content will be easy and your motivation will be strong.
I don’t have specific advice on whether either
methodology is better. If anything, I suggest you consider both aspects, with a slight emphasis on choosing a topic you care about over the potential to make money from it.
People are very different. Some remain motivated because of the process, not the topic, and these people could run a blog about a topic they don’t really care about because the process of profiting from it keeps them going.
That doesn’t work for me. I only cover topics I enjoy, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t written content with profit as the main driver. Whenever you do an affiliate promotion – for example a product review – much of your motivation is the affiliate commission, yet you realize the importance of providing value to your readers as well.
This typifies the mesh in professional blogging between writing for writing’s sake vs. writing for income. It’s not black and white and all you can do is what works for you and you feel comfortable with.
Consistency is such a key component of successful blogging that I advise people to forget about profits for the first few months – even six months if necessary – and focus on giving value. This reasoning suggests you choose a topic that you personally could sit down and write something about every day without reward (that’s a good question to ask yourself – can you write every day on the topic you are considering to blog about?).
On the flip side, you don’t want to blog for 12 months only to earn a few pennies a day. It’s important to, at the very least, consider the type of reader you are attracting, whether they buy things, whether you can sell them things, or find sponsors who would pay to advertise to your readers.
I’m inclined to believe that as long as you have some traffic, you can earn some money, but if you do this strategically and prepare in advance, a little research can help to avoid wasting time. As much as it feels great to build an audience, we are also here to make money, and it won’t feel great if you can’t effectively monetize your audience.
The key is to understand your reader, their motivations, passions and spending habits. If you love the topic you blog about, you are in a much better position to understand your reader because you are part of the same niche. You know what you like, what you buy, and therefore what your readers enjoy and purchase.
If you are a good marketer you don’t have to be a fan of the market to actually understand it, but for most people I suggest you gravitate to topics you enjoy. It will make two key areas of successful blogging – content creation and monetization – that much easier if you have an inherent insight into your topic and audience.
Compound Effects
Okay, so how do you become a top blogger with huge traffic?
You use the power of compound effects, starting with little communication channels, leveraging what traffic you have until you hit bigger and bigger communication channels.
The problem when you first start out is no one will give you access to big communication channels and you probably haven’t built one of your own yet. Obviously if you already own a top blog or have a newsletter with thousands of subscribers you will use these tools – your existing big communication channels – to help with the launch of your new blog.
Most bloggers just starting out do not have access to large sources of traffic to begin with, hence it is always hardest when you first start since you have nothing to leverage (use this knowledge to motivate you, not discourage you – it only gets easier as you build your web assets).
The strategy to use is still baby-step methodology, but you focus on taking an ever-larger step each time – 1+1+2+2+2+3 etc - until one day you hit a big break.
Suddenly you’re adding 100+90+70 new readers each day when you hit a large communication channel. It will die down again eventually, but you won’t settle back to only adding two or three new readers a day, it will be five or ten because you opened up a larger source of traffic that keeps flowing and has a runoff effect.
Once you get to your first 100 readers it’s just that little bit easier to get your next hundred. Each time you tap into a big source of traffic you will add a new chunk of readers to your base audience, making it even easier to get your next big source of traffic. This is the result of compound effects and it applies just as well to blog marketing as it does to saving money in a bank.
It is through compounding of the traffic you attract from multiple communication channels, starting with the small sources, that you increase your leverage and access to ever greater sources of traffic.
from: Yaro Starak

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Attracting Attention

Two Key Ingredients For Attracting Attention
The first part of creating attention (traffic) to a blog, is the age-old advice you will have read over and over again if you study successful blogging:
“Write good content”
So yes, the foundation of a great blog is good content. Where people go wrong is deciding what good content is, given their goals (usually the error is made when determining exactly what the goals are and what strategies will be used to meet the goals) and assuming that just good content is enough.
The other key ingredient is marketing.
Did I mention that all professional bloggers need to have business skills? Yep, that’s right, marketing – the fine art of attracting attention and THE key component for successful business – is a paramount ingredient for successful blogging. It’s through marketing that people find your good content.
I’ll discuss how to market a blog in a moment, but first we have to make sure you avoid the first error I mentioned – not having a strategy in place for producing the right type of good content given your goals.
from : Yaro Starak

Monday, June 30, 2008

download music

Many expert of music and also educator has performed [a] research to see positive effect from some music types. Newest fact concludes that any calm lilting music and heaves soft is believe able to give effect which good for baby, and children.
on that account hence I give music which I to listen to child of me. this music copyrights is this music maker, I only try sharing about music which good to baby
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download music rain

music for baby

In the year 1998, Zell Miller which at that time became governor Georgia, hardly impressing with research result indicating that classic music seems to can increase chlid intellegence. This kindhearted governor then launchs program to give all new mothers borne in Negara part of that classic music cassette. This example then is imitated South Dakota and Tennessee, and so soon as that is ill sakit-rumah house gives present CD Mozart with popok once uses to new mothers borne. In The Strait of Florida, the politicians proposes that all place of deposits of chlid receiving government help to turn around classic music for children.

Its(the question is, is initiative in good faith useful this? Baby has interest at innate music and gives response emotionally same as adult. Newborn baby hearing passage funeral at Symphonie Fantastique Berlioz writhes, even weeps and when hearing hears music waltz, this babes becomes peace. So(after result of finding Martin Gardiner from Brown University loaded in Newsweek Special Issue 2000.

Hereinafter is told, baby is having age 6 month of can differentiate changes in music base components like titinada, tempo, and form of melodik. They smile when hearing international consisted of by 4 and 5 tone konsekutif which perfect. But is correctness, listens music Mozart can make chlid is having better intellegence, till now has not proven.

What known the experts is, instruction of keyboard - makes music, not merely listening it is only – seems to can influence brain. In a special research, the nerve experts led by Gordon Shaw and University of California, Irvine, tests children is having age 3 – 5 year receiving Iesson of piano during 6 month. The experts finds, the pianis this cilik experiences improvement having a meaning (of) in common sense spatial-temporal ( basis for technique, mathematics, and chess) compared to children receiving Iesson menyanyi, computer, and which is not got extra Iesson. This effect even seen more really at older children. a research in California finds, after piano learning 2 times one week during one month, mathematics value from class children 2 in poor region increased compared to class children 4 from prosperous area.

Still be required more researchs to prove, does music can yield useful cognition taking place stripper. For the existing, may be just turns around eine kleine for baby because not dangerous.

Kangaroo Ala warmness

Kangaroo Ala warmness

Your embrace warm feeling, proven hardly assists tumbuh-kembang small si, especially bearing premature.

Direct contact between mother skins with baby skin better be continued after baby to born even until 6 month of giving of exclusive ASI. According To Dr. Nils Bergman from home pain Mowbray Maternity in Cape Town, South African, direct contact between this its(the babies and mother, must remain to defended since postnatal first minute, through giving ASI.

This method can give 4 requirement primary factor of baby, namely oxygen, warm feeling, nutrition, and protection. Naturally, it all fufilled in kangaroo animal poke.

Pass its(the research, Having Bergman proves what a big mothering method benefit and treatment of kangaroo ala baby. Newborn babes, especially premature baby, put down in its(the mother chest, so that all its(the body skin comes into contact with direct with mother skin, shows improvement of real health compared to put in incubator. That is because his(its, Dr. Having Bergman then is known as method exponent Kangaroo Mother Care.

1001 benefits

Basically, Kangaroo Mother Care consisted of 3 component, namely:

Mother skin contact and baby

That is skin contact between small si chests with your chest. Thereby, small si skin may directly feel warm feeling of your skin. This contact also will assist takes care of temperature and process oksigenasi small si body.

You can do it standing and also liing down. This method this better be done during you can, especially if(when small si of coincidence borns premature. This technique is form “ natural incubator” to assist process tumbuh-kembang small si.

Giving of exclusive ASI

Contacted skin like the, enables small si sucks ASI every when s(he feels hungry. Kangaroo Mother Care also is facility to give ASI early possibly.

Mother support from to baby

You would still can give emotion support from, psychological, and physical, even when medical action need to be done to small si. This thing will increase emotional juxtaposition ( bonding) between its(the old fellows and baby. Besides, from this proven condition that development of baby brain requires stimulus in the form of touch or direct contact antarkulit and baby direct eye contact with its(the mother eye.

Real other benefit is increasing addition of premature babes body weight, causing takes a short cut treatment time in hospital. So, no his(its wrong to try takes care of small si with this Kangaroo Mother Care method once also small si of you borns is normal and enough months ( not premature). But, before doing it, baby body temperature must reach 36 degree Celciuses, and you must feel is balmy when doing it.

Sri Lestariningsih