Sunday, July 20, 2008

dictionary blog

Your create green still which has not known many about worlds blog, this there are some you terms that need to know. Create which have been squeezing, which have been many eating world salt blog also not there are his(its wrong is oppositely baca-caca this article. Here intentionally not to in order of alphabet but is compiled based on each category.
* Blog
Blog : term which is first applied by Jorn Barger to call group of personal website the always is updated in kontinyu and contains link-link to other website which they assume is interesting is accompanied with comments.
Weblog : term differ from blog.
Blogging : activitys performed within world blog.
Blogger : someone who is doing blogging.
other meaning: a service blog from google.
Blogosphere : community in blogging.
Posting : activity to send article into blog.
* Form Of Blogging
Photoblogging : a blog focussed at world Photografi and pictures.
Podcasting : method to distribute multimedia file ( video/audio) onlinely passed feeds
Autocasting : form of podcasting automatically.
Blogcasting : merger of blog and postcas in a wensite.
Vlog / Vlogging : type blogging which more love to apply video than text.
Audioblog / Audioblogging : type blogging which more love to apply audio/musik than text.
Moblogs / Moblogging activity of blogging by using HP ( handphone).
* Component and Function Of Blog
Index page : front yard from blog.
Header : topmost part of blog.
Footer : part very under blog.
Sidebar : columns residing in side blog.
Link : process to interfac to a postingan/kontent or to other web/blog.
Archive : sekumpulan/arsip from all postingan. Can be grouped in month, year pl p2 etc.
Categories : specific sekumpulan/sekelompok from some articles.
Commnets : comment from readers blog.
Captcha : abbreviation " Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart", that is a picture containing word or letter which must be typed for verification. Good for menangkal spam.
Ping ( Packet Internet Grouper) : functions to inform services relating to blog ( like tchnocarty dkk) that we has just added or updates konten our blog.
Trackback : functions to inform that us me-link to postingan or kontent blog others.
Blogroll : a group of link dijukan to other blog.
Template : base design blog.
Plugin : a functioning file to add feature2 blog.
Facia : an appearance containing controls, tool, setting etc when first time we are logins to blog account.
* Service Feeder Blog
Blogger/Blogspot : Free blog service from google.
Wordpress : One of other free blog service, has feature which more complete than bloggercom but we cannot mengotak-atic of script HTML, kalo will edit must pay [for] formerly, thus create that is free not ngedit can.
LiveJournal : Tolls free blogging from SixApart
TypePad : Tolls blogging is not free of charge ( payee) from SixApart.
* Bloging Habits
Metablogging : writes article about blogging.
Blogstipation : blogger is being lazy ngeblog, because medium of bad mood or pingin ngeblog not.
Blogopotamus : Postingan blog a real length.
Bleg : it is when someone requests at a blog.
Blego : Blog+Ego, properties measure blogger.
Blog Hopping : Go about out of one blog to other blog.
Blogroach : Commentator that is disagree with postingan or kontent a blog, usually is laid open with harsh words.
Blogoholic : holic Blog.
Blogorific / Blogtastic Suatu awful thing from word blogger.
Blogsit : Keeping of blog when the main owner of blog is traveling or medium of vacation.
Blogvertising/Blogvert : The advertisements in blog.
Blurker : Reader blog which only look around only, doesn't give comment or any.
Blogathon : mengaupdate blog every 30 minutes and during 24 hours non-stop.
Blogiversary : Anniversary Blog.
Blog Carnival : Link to other article disguised to specific topic.
Multiblog : implements many blog.
Blog Tipping : praise or felicitation every date of 1 per month.
Blogger Bash : Party of the blogger.
Reciprocal Links / Link Exchange : or Link Love, be each other me-link between blog which one with other blog.
Linkbaiting : writes article that is good so that dilink by other blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Your blog is very informative n helpful .. thanks…..keep it up.