Monday, July 21, 2008

increases chlid creativity

celebrated MISSIONARY, KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar ( Aa Gym - red.) often told a story about his(its creative behavior in children formerly.

" At that time not merely creative me, other school friends also so. For example one would sees in my pocket always slipped between pulpen famous brand. Though, knew not attached by my disa am the clothes only its(the pulpen cover. That also cover pulpen result of finding," its(the story showed card. Its(the purpose only wishs dressy. That example only be small from someone creativity.

According to education observer of Islam Drs. Asep Sujana, children in its(the school is formerly have been condition to release its(the creativity energy?power like through handicraft subject or hastakarya with making some ornament, souvenir goods, or equipments of household from the goods in house area and school. Now, s(he sees situation kondusif that rather creative chlid decreases.

" My time in elementary school ( SD), have ever been ordered makes interest vase from clay. Now its(the tastes have been difference. Children SD [shall] no longer be ordered makes interest vase, but brings interest vase then is decorated with paper or colour paint in school. At development hereinafter, children SD brings interest vase which have been decorated in house, rather than in school," says Asep Sujana, also official member of Asosiasi Education Organizer of Indonesia( Appidi) this Jabar.

Various progresses of technology might be make creativity energy?power child of also becomes decreasing sharpened by most all can be done very easy.

Even so, expert of education that is also Prof Dr communications expert. KH. Djalaluddin Rakhmat, MSc., creativity energy?power screw pine child of actually can be grown through pengondisian of situation of learning. Examplizeed it, in school led by it - SMU PLUS MUTHAHHARI BANDUNG - school student is freed [by] learning in class without having to sits with natty position.

" Between teachers, school organizer and pari pasu student as learning partner teachs. In class, student can fiddle faddle with its(the teacher as to its(the sister. Even, we animate also music, that can be stimulate its(the brain so that jenius and superkreatif," says KH. Djalaluddin Rakhmat.

In other schools, effort awakens creativity child of also is done. For example, in Darul Hikam, Al Ma'soem, Assalaam, Salman Al Farisyi, Al Ghifari, PGII, ISTIQOMAH, or Inwrought Islam Elementary School ( SDIT) " Imam Bukhari" Darling Cikeruh. Activity type awakens creativity all kinds, like race colours, paints, sport, or discussion.

" Endeavour awakens creativity we to alli through study pattern in class and outside class by based [by] experience of the teachers during becoming counsellor or children menthol. For example, student we point for creative per me, creative in skill subject, and creative thinked of x'self existence and its(the area in context ke-Mahakuasa-an of God SWT. For that is, the teachers often having partner with educative children and its(the family doing camp or ber-tadabur nature," says Kepala SDIT " Imam Bukhari" I.. Masudin.

Pass having nuance intellectual creativity pattern ruhiyah like that, express Masudin, expected children is not creative in things which must is not done, for example boy installs earring in its(the ear, its(the hair pigtail is alike woman, etc.

THEN, [is] there any its(the relationship between creativities with intellegence?

According to psikolog child of Dr. Seto Mulyadi. MPsi., very tightly of its(the relationship. Therefore, chlid may not only educated that be smart, but also creative and has stable emotion.

" Unhappily, becoming orientation of the existing education, either in school and also in house is how creating smart chlid logically, mathematics, and language. Meanwhile, other intellegence like musical intellegence, visual of spasial, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist still unable to get correct portion," said psikolog which is chummy is addressed with Kak Seto.

There is assumption child of having to clever intellectually that later gets work of matching with its(the intellegence. Though, till now many clever chlids intellectually, but failing emotionally. Possibly that is one of reason, why the existing many happened tawuran. Actually, says Kak Seto, many clever chlids. But, because its(the emotion difficult to be controlled, having anthem becomes channel self-satisfy by illed temperament sulking.

" Because only relies on cognate or intellectual intellegence, many mans who his(its smart is excrutiatingly becomes so(after frustration and takes to abuse narkoba. Be rather just emotions, direct follows tawuran so that seen tawuran many done by smart children intellectually," flux Kak Seto.

Problem of this creativity and intellegence in fact of vital importance. Its(the reason, both psychical aspects of that is pledge in facing becoming its(the stringency emulation of life in globalization era now.

In the eyes of psikolog Dra. Alva Handayani, SPsi., challenge would be heavier again for they the existing children still. In its(the adult age is later, they must deal with progress of science and technological and very emulation weight, more than what experienced by by we the existing. Besides emulation with nation x'self, they also must vie with people or overseas company as result of globalization of commerce. This emulation doesn't triffle. Otherwise is anticipated carefully, can all be useless overdue and. For the purpose, required way of anticipating it. For example by building chlid intellegence.

" Only smart chlid, creative, and stable of which able to survive in ossifying it this emulation. And, education becomes all important factor in creating smart chlid, creative, and stable. Education here include;covers formal education in school and also informal in house," said Alva.

Frequently education - which notabene way of building intellegence - exactly becoming not effective because only makes account of one of side. As educating chlid cognately only. Meanwhile, its(the emotion have never been touched. This makes chlid is coming under pressure and not happy.

ON THE OTHER SIDE, it is said creativity child of acap times difficult to grow, though creativity needed to to answers challenge in front. Indonesia Culture assessed as one of constraint growing of chlid creativity.

Till now child of thought well and clever if malleable, obedient, beloved, and will do thing told by teacher, old fellow or whose also older. Chlid will be assumed pest if rebelious him(her and did thing unmatched to old fellow desire. Image a kind of that is growing in Indonesia.

Creativity child of Indonesia now tends to unable to spring up flower. The education, either by old fellow, teacher, and also public, still orienting at old fellow hopes, non chlid desire. Child of let to grows in weak situation and position, below(under old fellow and or teacher.

" Education system of the existing Indonesia doesn't create creative children. Good pupil till now is diligent pupil, malleable, and obedient, and can do problems as which has been taught teacher, comes up with its(the semicolon must precisely," said Kak Seto.

Kak Seto explains, education of Indonesia only develop intellectual intellegence. That also only exploits 1 gratuity part of brain, while 99 other % has not been exploited optimal. " Einstein exploits 20 % its(the brain. If we exploit our brain 20 % only, we would as super Einstein."

Then, how developing chlid creativity?

Kak Seto screw pine a all important thing in developing creativity and even talent child of is must please. Thereby, child of feeling likes, pride, and self confidence. Its(the love to anything which will be done it, will arise and chlid would easier to study it. Other intellegence also earns easy to be reached for because usually successfulness in one areas can influence successfulness in other area.

In the end later emerges self-concept which are positive at chlid x'self. This concept emerges from solidarity between internal factors in chlid x'self ( has big love at what he was doing) and eksternal from school area and family.

Suggested it, that child of esteemed as child of itself. Chlid need to become their/his self, with all excesses and insuffiency. Each chlid differs in so that they need to be given opportunity to lay open each desire. Chlid may not be forced does thing his(its unwelcome.

" If till now is told ' hormatilah bapak-ibumu', does also ' hormatilah chlid rights'," assertive of Kak Seto as great as explaining frequently old fellow to assume children below old fellow so that free is treated any kind. If old fellow wish children to respect them, old fellow need to learn respects their children.

" Chlid needs byword and example of from old fellow. We must have motto ' Big nation is nation esteeming children right'," assertive of Kak Seto. He is sure, chlid would more diligently learnt if(when they to grow with pride and esteemed. " If not is esteemed, they would unconvinced of x'self, and motivation go to school declines."

" Chlid doesn't be flattered. Esteems them as it is that chlid don't have cretinous mental, but strong.

Lets chlid to become their/his self and multiplies embraces or touchs chlid. This touchs psychologically can hearten whom also, including chlid.

" Boy also must be made no difference by touch can prove that we are adjacent life and in dependency. This also important to train emotion sensitivity."

HOW important develops creativity and chlid talent? Of course the importance is very big. " Talent will grow carefully when supported by creativity," said Seto Mulyadi. Then why, to what end, and activity type which how important for chlid? Important for child of age how much/many? Activity in meaning of movement, action, and activity of child of can become one of chlid health indicator. Health is basis for healthy growth and development, either in physical and also psychological.

So, to develop correct talent and chlid creativity, without forcing will;desire is better if old fellow to pay attention to base principles written in number Law 23 the year 2002 about Protection of Chlid :

Firstly, every activity must refer to best for chlid ( best interest of the child), be base principle which must be held old fellow in developing talent and chlid creativity. But, this statement doesn't be misinterpreted by forcing old fellow will;desire because the concerned best for child of is according to opinion?sight child of itself.

This drawn from second public principle from convention of children right mentioning that best interest of the child ( best for chlid), what drawn in section 3 article 1 convention, express, " In all action concerning chlid done by prosperity institutes of governmental social and also private sector, jurisdiction institute, legislative government agency or body, best importance for child of having to to become main consideration."

Second, continuity of life and development of child of is a a real big chlid life concept and must be looked into accross the board for the shake of child of itself. This thing is visible at problems of everyday life concerning chlid life. Like choosing education line of chlid, usual frequently becomes decision as of the side of valid old fellow or adopter ( without reference to desire or talent owned by child of itself).

Third, miscellaneous is concerning this principle that need to be paid attention is development of physical ( Section 27 paragraph 3, Section 26); development of Mental, especially concerning education ( Section 28 and 29); Including education for handicap children ( Section 23); Development of morale and spiritual ( Section 14); development of social, especially concerning the right to obtain information, express opinion, and federal ( Section 12, 13, 17); Development in culture ( Section 30 and 31).

This fourth principle is elementary principle at the same time basis steady for interpretation ( interpretation) and execution overall of contents of convention. Mean, every opinion?sight child of need to be paid attention in every decision making which will influence life and development of chlid. That is because his(its is Section 12 article 1 convention express, " Participant nations will guarantee that children having opinion?sight x'self will obtain the right to express opinion?sights they freely in all thing which

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