Saturday, June 28, 2008

What Is A Blog And Why Are They So Popular?

Everyone has a different opinion of how to explain what a blog is. I like to explain what a blog is by contrasting it to a “normal” website, since essentially a blog is a website (so there you go, that’s all a blog really is – a website).
Blogs are websites with a few very key differences, namely:
Articles are listed in chronological order with the newest article at the top
This is a very consistent element of every blog I have ever come across. Articles are listed with a title followed by the body content, starting at the top of the page with the most recently published article followed by the next most recent, and so on.
This format is a legacy of the “journaling” aspect of blogging. The term blog is derived from “weblog” which essentially means online diary or journal. Diaries have entries made by date and that is how blog posts work too.
An important point to make, despite the journalistic style history, is that blogs today are not all diaries and are not only about the personal lives of the authors. Some blogs still are the thoughts of one author – my blog is, but I don’t talk about my cat or what I had for breakfast. I stay on my chosen topics, Internet business and blogging, and people who are interested in those two topics come to read my blog.
Blogs today can be about any subject, written by one or many authors and certainly are not all personal diaries. Personal reflection, opinion and tone all have a place in blogs, but that doesn’t affect the breadth or scope of topics covered.
from, yaro

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