Tuesday, January 6, 2009

treatment of baby create tooth

Wishs very bright and healthy small si tooth? Your Involvement early on so central.

Takes care of baby tooth of course easy hard. Has just will emerge only, usually baby rewel has. If we ignoreed its(the cause, it is possible that confuses faces it. But, small si tooth business do not limited to damping its(the kerewelan. You also need to take care of its(the tooth and gum is early.

Beginning of appearance varies

When first tooth of small si will emerge, of course no sure directive. Average, at strarting age 6 month, baby tooth has started looked to be. But, might possibly when newborn, in its(the gum has seems to marking with lines white of first tooth appearance approximant sign. Or badly, after his(its first anniversary through?via, its(the gum still ‘ cleanness'; has not there are its(the tooth marking will emerge.

In Indonesia, children tooth generally has just been is complete at the age of 3–3,5 years. Gigi-geligi so-called the milkteeth, would date of one after another, for then is replaced with permanent teeth. The numbers around 20 fruits, that is ten above and ten again below(under.

Of knowing only, milkteeth has special function of which is not is owned [by] permanent teeth. That is, as signpost manual growing of permanent teeth that later grows at place of appropriate. Besides, milkteeth also takes care of growth of jaw curve, so that formation of tooth thus regular.

From milkteeth to permanent teeth

Commutation of milkteeth to permanent teeth first time is started approximately at the age of 6 year, and ends at the age of more or less 12 years. One of permanent teeth sign will grow generally preceded by rickety of milkteeth. This thing is because milkteeth root thus short as result of motivation of its(the exit process permanent teeth ( resorbsi). The commutation has certain pattern; usually started from middle incisor, front, and under.

While happened commutation of incisor, happened also dentition of big molar remain to firstly. This big molar tooth is not substitution tooth. This tooth directly emerges at hindmost consecution of milkteeth, either at maxilla and also jaw under.

So, doesn't wrong, yes! First big molar tooth and other big molar tooth growed not to replace milkteeth. While other tooth, like incisor ( incisivus), eye-tooth ( caninus) and small molar ( premolar), will grow replaces milkteeth.

When starts toothbrush?

What is clear, before milkteeth seen also, treatment of gum has must be started, and better be done in routine. Because, if non bewared of takes care of small gum and si tooth, non unlikely able emerge baby bottle syndrome ( corrects reading box: Caution, Baby Bottle Syndrome!).

Some things following can become your consideration when taking care of small gum and si tooth.

• Cleans gum with boom cotton ( cotton buds), or with wrapping forefinger using a lef of thin handkerchief or cloth kassa steril wetted with matured water. Can also applies toothbrush specially available, starts from toothbrush is in the form of dot rubber, rubber fur toothbrush, or case toothbrush to be used at mother the index finger.

• If new tooth growed 2 or 4, cleans with cloth.

• If tooth had growed more than 8, cleans with baby toothbrush having small end and downy, with size code P20, or furry of rubber.

• Initially, applies just of matured water to gargle, without tooth paste. If s(he had gargled and pass its(the nut, has just applied tooth paste containing fluoride. Labours tee flouride doesn't. Better applied children tooth paste, and gives sufficiently.

• Entangles chlid after s(he can hold toothbrush at the age of 18 – 24 months. Sits or stands up with small si in front of glass. From small si back, you can hold toothbrush and brushs teeth it, whereas hand that is side again holds small body or si chin.

One things that need to also you does is invite small si spoken during activity to tie tooth to take place. He will enjoy event of its(the ritual this in pleasing situation. By degrees s(he will feel how the importance of banding tooth every day.

Arranges strategy

Not difficult to teach small si how banding tooth truly. Gives a lead only, following its(the explanation. When needed, does by crooning or with lilting words.

Shows how:

• Rubs with form of small cicles in its(the tooth and gum.

• Rubs forwards and dorsal on the surface of tooth which commonly use to nip.

• Rubs all angle of tooth, in frontage, backside, gum, also its(the tongue.

After a few seconds, gives opportunity of small si create to try it. If s(he completed, gives praise. You can repeat it when needs. Prepares time to brush teeth this at least two minutes.

It's the moment to dentist

Appearance gigi-geligi small si, means you has started must introduce it dentist figure. Its(the purpose, expecting him to accustomed investigates tooth early. So, brings small si to dentist around six-month after his(its first tooth emerges. Or, when having age small si around one years.

Doker tooth will explain more detailly about treatment of small si tooth. If there is dentition that is in rough, usually dentist also will make photograph rontgent ( X-ray) panoramic. Through this photograph, you can see its(the dentition and jaw.

With to dentist, small si also is introduced equipments to investigate tooth. Unnecessary worryed small si wept, because to clean its(the tooth will be applied small toothbrush ( brush low speed).

So, safe takes care of small si tooth!

Retno Wahab Supriyadi

Scientific consultancy: drg. Jusuf Kristanto, MKes, Kepala Litbang Jurusan Kesehatan Gigi, Polytechnic of Health Jakarta I, Department of Public Health.

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