Sunday, October 26, 2008

tips knows baby body temperature

Now available multifarious thermometer type in marketing. Which very oke?

Normal body temperature of man is 36,5-37,5ºC. If rising reachs 38ºC or more, then is called as fever. And actually, fever is body sign is being infection bacterium or virus.

Recognizes its(the types

If formerly you only recognize conventional thermometer made from glass and contains mercury, hence now there are some digital thermometer type in marketing. Then what is the its(the excess?

Definitive, digital thermometer guaranteed to be accurate, because showing number until smallest number. Also, this practical type thermometer and result of its(the measurement is hardly quickly.

Unhappily, very susceptible digital thermometer to humid air and water. Not to mention, the price costlier compared to conventional.

Where measuring it?

Small si organ it is possible that place of putting down thermometer is armpit, oral and anus. But, recently, thermometer technology becoming sophisticated, so that thermometer can also is put in ear and forehead.

But, glass thermometer is not at all suggested to be put in baby mouth. Why? If broken hence mercury will poison baby.

What thermometer is enterred [by] through?via anus? Actually, doesn't become problem. But, You exactly often not had the heart to do it. You feared isn't it for fear that entering it is too in, so that instead injures small si? Hence, measures body temperature through anus better be done by health officer only.

Periodical measure

* If small si of fever, its(the condition watcher by the way of measuring its(the periodical body temperature. About every 4-6 hours.

* Soon brings to medical doctor, if(when its(the body temperature increases is finite more than 40ºC.

* If(when baby body temperature still ranging from 38-39º C, bes awaiting until ± 3 day. If its(the body temperature didn't go down also, quickly brings to medical doctor.

Is Important Also!

* That result of measurement of accurate thermometer, bes awaiting until your baby are well-sleep formerly. Enunciated, small si usually feels geli if its(the armpit or ear is enterred [by] foreign object!

* Special thermometer of forehead has not many sold in marketing. Even so, way of its(the usage looks like special digital thermometer of ear. Only, after buttoning at body termomer, moves thermometer from left of dextrorse. So also on the contrary.