Tuesday, January 13, 2009

way of knowing angry baby


eruption of enragement of chlid ( runs amuck)

time is infected:

often happened in 4 chlid age first year

form of behaviour:

* weeps

* screams

* throws goods

* makes stiff body

* beats

* rolls about in floor

* do not want to bolt from certain place

becomes habit if chlid is knowing that by the way of that is its(the desire will be fulfilled

Temper Tantrum is formed in kondisional.

condition causing temper tantrum to become habit:

1. balita experiencing pain for so long

2. Un-consistency of old fellow in applying discipline at its(the children

3. position of old fellow is tending to criticizes and too fussy

4. Children experiencing backwardness of mental and experiencing resistance in development to speak at the time of they to fail lays open its(the intention at area.

Example of case:

child of becoming often angry because the mother always by forcing orders chlid to urinate when s(he is besotted played.

Enragement which initially arisings from chlid stopped from activity to play at it, finally changes over at situation to go to bathroom can get back up chlid.


1. avoids abundant demarcation to chlid freedom

2. avoids abundant claim

3. avoids vesting of external duty of chlid ability

4. doesn't act is arbitrary

5. not too holds firmly stiff and hard positions in mothering and educates chlid

6. acts consistency or ajeg, but remain to loving of darling: keajegan enables child of learning from its(the experiences. But this doesn't mean all something having to takes place routine without exemption.

Any way, exlusion of what which have been specified may just is done along the length of that thing required and is not done for the shake of following old fellow mood as of eye.

position of Old fellow when chlid is runing amuck:


is not fished to fulminate

consistency and apprehensive

As possible disregards scene to run amuck tsb, so that child of realizing that s(he cannot obtain attention with the enragement. Chlid must learn that by runing amuck s(he will not get does s(he wish.

Doesn't once in a while tries argument with child of at the time of s(he on the rampage.

a few moments after fury ends or alleviates is when which good to telling that its way that is wrong and cannot be received. ** Above that is of all, it is important to know that, in certain limits, runs amuck is fair something happened at children.**

Faces Tantrum Small si

( 3 Determining First Year)

As a stripper, be better if you sees trend of tantrum at child of as healthy expression. But sometimes old fellow kewalahan faces Tantrum small si. Eliminates tantrum 100 % of course non work easy.

some minimization ways of enragement to of small si:

( Tries applies this way according to situation, and ensures that people who to assist you to take care of small si applies the same way with you)

Tries peace

Your Panicity faces tantrum small si menyulut its(the enragement will. Sees You cannot have a command over, chlid would be panic and difficult to control x'self also. Small si requires figure which can catching of calmness to control situation, because its(the limitation having a command over in this age. He also requires certainty that in situation anything you still loving it.

Keeps in mind its(the cause

Tries writes down in your agenda, is penyulut enragement of small si. Sometimes tantrum is caused [by] too chlid fatigue, peckish, or too much stimulation. If this cause of his(its, tries avoids this situation. Other possibility, tantrum small si only emerges if s(he is brought to supermarket. If it does, limits departure to supermarket with

brings small si.

Talks smoothly but settled

If You screamed hence small si will reciprocate with rallying call which more excitement. But if you can talk with smooth intonation but stable isotope, this thing will assist small si overcomes x'self. Sometimes because too smooth voiced which you to say, small si cannot hear. This thing exactly profits, because usually s(he will be kept quiet concentrates on does you say.

Removes desire to apply penalization of physical

Tantrum small si sometimes makes sulky old fellow, so that subconsciously old fellow brings to justice physical like beating or pinchs that small si kept quiet. This thing is forerunner that you also has flew off the handle x'self.

What asking for small si learnt controls x'self, if his own old fellow unable to control ownself?

Doesn't debate

Invites small si debated during its(the enragement bursting of no use. At the moment hopeable small si thought rational. Bes awaiting finite of s(he has can apply logic to think it returns, has just invited s(he to discuse.

Takes care of chlid from fatal possibility

Sometimes small si many using movement to beat or kicks. If this thing was not taken heed able to fatal of their/his self, or people in vinicity. Tries invites chlid to place which more safe, for example lulling s(he is in bed, or fastened safety rope if s(he to run amuck in its(the cart. Otherwise possibly,

tries to hold, or embraces it to avoid undesirable things. Besides preventing fatal possibility, by holding or embraces, small si feels you to assist it is uniting ‘ part '

from x'self which has ‘ asunders'. Tightly embrace also assists meluruhkan enragement, good for small si and also you.

Tunjukan empathy

Tunjukan that you understands feeling of small si. For example with berkata,”Ibu knows is difficult likely otherwise gets does we wish. Ms. also often discontented and fulminated if mother didn't get what which mother wish”.

Tries calls away the attention chlid

Sometime there is chlid which is very difficult overcomes its(the tantrum. Old fellow interference even can make worse its(the enragement. If this happened, tries calls away the attention it by inviting it is doing game which stripper has not been done it, or sounds off happy songs of its(the favorite. Other way of which can be tried is humor for example

with mengatakan,”what also which you does, Cognition:

eruption of enragement of chlid ( runs amuck)

time is infected:

often happened in 4 chlid age first year

form of behaviour:

* weeps

* screams

* throws goods

* makes stiff body

* beats

* rolls about in floor

* do not want to bolt from certain place

becomes habit if chlid is knowing that by the way of that is its(the desire will be fulfilled

Temper Tantrum is formed in kondisional.

condition causing temper tantrum to become habit:

1. balita experiencing pain for so long

2. Un-consistency of old fellow in applying discipline at its(the children

3. position of old fellow is tending to criticizes and too fussy

4. Children experiencing backwardness of mental and experiencing resistance in development to speak at the time of they to fail lays open its(the intention at area.

Example of case:

child of becoming often angry because the mother always by forcing orders chlid to urinate when s(he is besotted played.

Enragement which initially arisings from chlid stopped from activity to play at it, finally changes over at situation to go to bathroom can get back up chlid.


1. avoids abundant demarcation to chlid freedom

2. avoids abundant claim

3. avoids vesting of external duty of chlid ability

4. doesn't act is arbitrary

5. not too holds firmly stiff and hard positions in mothering and educates chlid

6. acts consistency or ajeg, but remain to loving of darling: keajegan enables child of learning from its(the experiences. But this doesn't mean all something having to takes place routine without exemption.

Any way, exlusion of what which have been specified may just is done along the length of that thing required and is not done for the shake of following old fellow mood as of eye.

position of Old fellow when chlid is runing amuck:


is not fished to fulminate

consistency and apprehensive

As possible disregards scene to run amuck tsb, so that child of realizing that s(he cannot obtain attention with the enragement. Chlid must learn that by runing amuck s(he will not get does s(he wish.

Doesn't once in a while tries argument with child of at the time of s(he on the rampage.

a few moments after fury ends or alleviates is when which good to telling that its way that is wrong and cannot be received. ** Above that is of all, it is important to know that, in certain limits, runs amuck is fair something happened at children.**

Faces Tantrum Small si

( 3 Determining First Year)

As a stripper, be better if you sees trend of tantrum at child of as healthy expression. But sometimes old fellow kewalahan faces Tantrum small si. Eliminates tantrum 100 % of course non work easy.

some minimization ways of enragement to of small si:

( Tries applies this way according to situation, and ensures that people who to assist you to take care of small si applies the same way with you)

Tries peace

Your Panicity faces tantrum small si menyulut its(the enragement will. Sees You cannot have a command over, chlid would be panic and difficult to control x'self also. Small si requires figure which can catching of calmness to control situation, because its(the limitation having a command over in this age. He also requires certainty that in situation anything you still loving it.

Keeps in mind its(the cause

Tries writes down in your agenda, is penyulut enragement of small si. Sometimes tantrum is caused [by] too chlid fatigue, peckish, or too much stimulation. If this cause of his(its, tries avoids this situation. Other possibility, tantrum small si only emerges if s(he is brought to supermarket. If it does, limits departure to supermarket with

brings small

Talks smoothly but settled

If You screamed hence small si will reciprocate with rallying call which more excitement. But if you can talk with smooth intonation but stable isotope, this thing will assist small si overcomes x'self. Sometimes because too smooth voiced which you to say, small si cannot hear. This thing exactly profits, because usually s(he will be kept quiet concentrates on does you say.

Removes desire to apply penalization of physical

Tantrum small si sometimes makes sulky old fellow, so that subconsciously old fellow brings to justice physical like beating or pinchs that small si kept quiet. This thing is forerunner that you also has flew off the handle x'self.

What asking for small si learnt controls x'self, if his own old fellow unable to control ownself?

Doesn't debate

Invites small si debated during its(the enragement bursting of no use. At the moment hopeable small si thought rational. Bes awaiting finite of s(he has can apply logic to think it returns, has just invited s(he to discuse.

Takes care of chlid from fatal possibility

Sometimes small si many using movement to beat or kicks. If this thing was not taken heed able to fatal of their/his self, or people in vinicity. Tries invites chlid to place which more safe, for example lulling s(he is in bed, or fastened safety rope if s(he to run amuck in its(the cart. Otherwise possibly,

tries to hold, or embraces it to avoid undesirable things. Besides preventing fatal possibility, by holding or embraces, small si feels you to assist it is uniting ‘ part '

from x'self which has ‘ asunders'. Tightly embrace also assists meluruhkan enragement, good for small si and also you.

Tunjukan empathy

Tunjukan that you understands feeling of small si. For example with berkata,”Ibu knows is difficult likely otherwise gets does we wish. Ms. also often discontented and fulminated if mother didn't get what which mother wish”.

Tries calls away the attention chlid

Sometime there is chlid which is very difficult overcomes its(the tantrum. Old fellow interference even can make worse its(the enragement. If this happened, tries calls away the attention it by inviting it is doing game which stripper has not been done it, or sounds off happy songs of its(the favorite. Other way of which can be tried is humor for example

with mengatakan,”Apa also which you does, ketawa doesn't!! Eh…, lho oppositely instead ketawa”.

Gives break time

If small si cannot control x'self for time sufficiently long, tried to give break time. For example, lets s(he to stand apart in its(the room;chamber is finite its(the enragement alleviates. But it is of course it all must be under observation of you. Ensures that s(he is safe resided in x'self in its(the room;chamber.

Didn't fear if do not alleviate

If You cannot assuage its(the tantrum, doesn't overanxious. Possibly s(he of course requires time to express its(the emotion. After s(he breathes again, hence all will soon ends.

Source: NAKITA

Gives break time

If small si cannot control x'self for time sufficiently long, tried to give break time. For example, lets s(he to stand apart in its(the room;chamber is finite its(the enragement alleviates. But it is of course it all must be under observation of you. Ensures that s(he is safe resided in x'self in its(the room;chamber.

Didn't fear if do not alleviate

If You cannot assuage its(the tantrum, doesn't overanxious. Possibly s(he of course requires time to express its(the emotion. After s(he breathes again, hence all will soon ends.

Source: NAKITA

Monday, January 12, 2009

Vesting of First Solid Food

Vesting of First Solid Food

Searching knows its(the gimmicks, and follows its(the stages;steps. Hence, activity introduces first solid food can become when pleasing, good for you and also small si.

Often, among proud and happy taste follows process to grow its(the baby flower, slipped between worries at heart the mother. Possibly, You also frequently asks around, “ When yes, my ducky ready to receive his(its first solid food?” Or, “ Food type like is which be better if given, conversely, which must be avoided?” Any way, each and everyone old of course wishs its(the chlid is always grows healthy, active, ceria and smart.

Searching when correct

According To World Health Organization WHO, d engan management of good lactation, produce of ASI expressed is enough as unique food for growth of normal baby until six-month age. Besides, vesting of this six-month finite exclusive ASI can protect baby from risk is hit [by] infection of alimentary canal.

After six-month, vesting of just ASI only fulfills around 60-70% requirement of baby. Equally, besides ASI, baby requires associate food mother milk. Besides, if(when mother milk is not soon is given, why should stall to defin solid food required skill to munch ( 6-7 months) worryed of will be . If(when this happened, later baby will find difficulties to swallow food, or will refuse eating if given [by] solid food.

At the age of 9-12 months, skill munchs baby increasingly matured. Besides, at the age of this, principal and baby body also increasingly stable, causing facilitates it is developing ability to eat self-supportingly.

Gives in phases

Vesting of first solid food of baby better be done by paying attention to the followings:

- Quality of food-stuff . Gilt edged food-stuff guarantees quality of good nutrient.

- Texture and consistency ( viscosity) . Originally, food baby berry which eat and liquid, for example milk mush or bubur/sari fruit ( banana, papaw, beloved orange). Step by step, baby food earns is harsher and solid. Baby which has having age six-month can be given rice porridge to filter complete. Enters age eight months to one years, baby able to be given food which only be choped up.

- Food type . For start, baby better be introduced one per one food types until s(he recognizes it is carefully. Bes awaiting at least four days before you introduces other food type. Besides baby would really recognizes and can receive new food type, you also can know there are not of allergic reaction at baby.

- Number of or food portions . During the acquaintanceship, doesn't have ever forced baby to finish its(the food. Generally, initially baby will receive 1-2 food teaspoons. If(when s(he has is ever greater, you can give more portion.

- Food vesting sequence. Vesting sequence of associate food ASI usually fruits, flours, then vegetable. Flesh, fish and egg generally is given after baby age six-month. If(when baby menujukkan allergy symptom, new egg is given [by] after its(the age one years.

- Mealtime schedule must be supple or as according to thirsty or hungry situation related to situation of evacuation of stomach. Thereby, readier baby alimentary tract to receive, digests, and permeates food at certain time.

Pays attention to well-balanced

During first weeks, vesting of solid food only be addressed for acquaintanceship of taste and food texture, not as effort to fulfill requirement of its(the gizi. Important to remember, main food ASI still or substitution ASI. So, s(he only need to be given overcrowding food one day. Hereinafter, since week to six up to eight, improves number of and its(the food types, until finally s(he gets food thrice one day.

When baby able to eat food team, either team filters and also ordinary team, you better start applies gizi balance. Gizi this balance can be gotten with audition of food-stuff that is multifarious. Diversification adapted for food-stuff that is usualy is consumed according to baby age.

Matters gizi required by baby is carbohydrate, protein, mineral ( for example ferrum) and vitamin ( especially ascorbic acid, B1 and niacin). What with fat? You shall not give it oleaginous too much food, coconut mink, butter or margarine. Because, fat contained by this food material memperberat baby digestive system job(activity would.

But, remembers some nutrient types, for example vitellarium, requires fat to can be permeated by body, hence rice porridge filters passed to baby better be added source of the fats. For example, at six-month age baby, its(the rice porridge can be added one teaspoons, or one coconut mink tablespoons.

Something else which you must remember, when solid food alternates schedule to drink baby milk is, s(he need to drink to gratifies thirst taste and assists launchs its(the digestion job(activity. Its(the requirement this is better if you fulfills by giving it to drink matured white water, fresh juice or food having gravy.

Creates pleasing experience

Basically, way of vesting of food doesn't too forces baby, that is during quickly and in number which many. Important to remember, baby which frustration tends to will act is better fights against than eating. So, lets s(he to enjoy event to eat it. If(when this first experience pleases, hence henceforth anything will become easier.