Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Acurate food when suckling

Acurate food when suckling

Presence a baby of course brings warm feeling and happiness in your house. Along with that, responsibility and busy every couple, especially mother, increasingly increases. From strarting suckles, baths, lulls, gives infrastructure and supporting facilities for for comfort and baby security and safety, until also draws up its(the future.
Beside treatment of baby, which also of vital importance is take care of mother health. Because, health of baby more or less also depend on condition of its(the mother. And so do with asupan its(the food, especially for suckling mother. ASI given mother of course with quality and hardly good for health and grows baby flower, but its(the quality still must be taken care of.
Eating that is is better if consumed the mothers is being suckles must contain nourishment, but in number more. According To Dr. William Sears in its(the book The Baby Book, if(when you dines food which good to you, you will have more energies and feels better, like during child bed and when stres because becoming new mother. For gizi balance, Dr. As of ars suggests is fifth group of this base food:
1. group of rice, cereals, grist bread, or pasta
2kelompok vegetable
3. group of fruits
4. group of fish, flesh, poultry, drought bean, egg, and bean
5. group of milk, yoghurt, and cheese.
Besides, konsumsilah food from each the group paying attention to three group of calorie base:
1. Carbohydrate, have to be there in 50-55 percentage of daily calorie total, and main portion from this energy source must in the form of healthy sugar, especially bulk, rice or pasta, and fruit.
2Lemak making healthy, which have to be there in 30 percentage of daily calorie total.
3. Protein, have to be there in 15-20 percentage of daily calorie total.
Also need to be added into breast-feeding mothers food menu is:
1. Calcium. You requires many calciums during pregnancy and a period of suckling. Research indicates that calcium taken away from by mother bone during the suckling will return during and after a period of weaning, with density of better bone compared to before a period of pregnancy.
If(When You doesn't like drinking milk, or allergic when drinking it, replaces with rich nonsusu food of calcium like sardine, soybean, brocolli, chickpea, fish salmon, knew, green foliage, kangkung, grape;wine candy, and carrot juice. Adds also cheese and yoghurt if(when you are not allergy.
2. Ferrum. Asupan food containing ferrum in number enough of vital importance for mother which is just bears. Some rich foods of ferrum is fish, poultry, and juice fruit of prune. To improve;repair absorbtion of ferrum from food, drinks or dines rich food ascorbic acid would in parallel with some food combinations like flesh bakso and saus tomato, rich sereal of ferrum, and orange juice.
3. Supplement when needed. You still can consume supplement of food and vitamin during pregnancy, except if(when your medical doctor suggests other supplement.
4. White water. White water is best beverage for breast-feeding mothers. Drinks a glassful white water ( may also be changed with juice fruit of once in a while), momentary before you suckles. Drinks any time you to feel thirsty, minimum eight glasses one day. Doesn't delay drinking until you completed suckling baby, because can make you are lacking of dilution.

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