Saturday, July 5, 2008

pregnant tips

chlid is godsend from the infinite that is extremely esa, when our wife with a child must measure up to which more patient, usually if wife with a child they are leebih indulged than the usual, many things making them to worry like body increasing fat, worried with baby candidate, fear leaved by husband, we are as husband should be able to make calm them, that is our duty as husband.

Pregnancy which ought to be pregnancy planned.
" Sometime there are husband who disagree its(the wife pregnancy. This of course may not. Anything happened with reproduction process of wife, husband must support 100 %," explicitly Sugi. More than anything else, why should pregnancies is a period of difficult for wives.
" Its(the big stres charge. If it is taken scale stres 0-100, pregnancy at scale 40. So, if feeling not to get support, sometime later mother to be can be be annoyed at its(the pregnancy. More than anything else, at undesirable pregnancy. Woman able to abort the pregnance it."
After pregnancy soybean cake, husband support from also of vital importance. " When pregnancy is when sensitive for a woman. So, can be possibly creates situation that is pickaback wife feeling. For example, invites taking the air is light fiddling faddle, speaks positive and is smooth, etcetera. This will make wife to feel balmy, besides also increasingly tightens the relation of husband and wife."

praise berry
Nearest as one who, husband of course is assumed very knew requirement of wife. When pregnancy, a woman experiences change, either physical and also bounces. " Husband better comprehend this change. Habits of wife also possibly changed as result of change of the physical, so that husband have to be more patient. Also doesn't overanxious. Dread will seen and felt [by] wife, so that will influence condition of emotion of wife."
Possibly husband worries and confuses, more than anything else if pregnancy of the wife was first experience. " But this doesn't be showed. On the contrary, doesn't also too cuek. Possibly intention of husband to strengthen wife, but it is possible that perception wife of husband will as cuek, indifferent.
From health side, husband better also supports wife. For example by eliminating smoking habit or drinks alcohol.
In the case of change of physical of happened, most mother to be feels s(he thus more and more fat, more and more bad. So, this bad image sometime changes into negativity, causing makes it is unsure is x'self. " Here the role of husband is required. They must enunciated and will add praise and attention."


Foetus able to hear clearly since week ke-20. So, be better if foetus do not only listens its(the mother voice. Father voice also better have started defined," says Clara as great as continuing, " That way, affection started built [by] since chlid there is in content."
Which do not less important, builds positive carry. Words that is impressing angry, words depicting mother which stres or depression, or sigh as result of the many problems, better don't be said in " front" foetus. " Soulful which are positive, because this will build basic trust between foetuses with old fellow, so that foetus would easier to build taste to believe later." Sorrowful tone, for example, will felt its(the emotion and can also influences foetus. As a result, child of later can grow as chlid which is easy worried, hyperactive ( for example if mother had many problems.), etcetera.
Ability spoke also will be assisted if since foetus, child of strarting invited to communicates. " Says all seuatu with happiness, with presence pride will of small si. Happy nuance thrown by suami-istri will give positive effect at foetus. He would more shatterproof ( survives), fighting its(the spirit is also would more. This would looked to be in initial ages."
If personality of positive mother to be, couple parent ready to receive pregnancy, added husband always gives positive support from, foetus also gets many positive effects.

Any kind of which may not be done husband when pregnancy wife?
In the case of correlating sex, of course there is no prohibition of pregnant woman does intimate relationship. But is better if husband comprehends condition of wife, its(the sigh is, how much/many pregnancy age, etcetera, " Even so will did intimate relationship, must to both desire. Position of also must be adapted for condition of physical of wife," explains Clara.
Husband better don't looked to be indifferent. Or on the contrary, hardly worriing. If ignoreed about pregnancy of the wife, a lot of questioning to medical doctor or reads book.
Husband shall not make communications internal issue. Doesn't make emotion of wife annoyed. For example, angry or quarrels. Wife create always in positive emotion. When pregnancy, wife possibly will more sensitive, thus husband also must enunciated. Doesn't fish things which able to make angry wife or sedih/tertekan, because can influence content.
Avoids all thing having the character of abuse, either physical and also bounces, included in the talking. Empathy husband must. For example, assists homework, etcetera.
Presence of husband when copy also do not less important. It is possible that, panic husband faces the wife which had arrived time to bear.
" Better panic don't. Minimum, labours in order not to looked to be panic. Positive support from wife berry with simple action like massaging," says Sugi. " Takes courage wife that event of copy is remarkable thing, but also experienced by all women and s(he is ready for that."
Presence of husband in delivery room of course would hardly assists. " This will become when meaning for couple. Even can become harmonious fastener. Wife also feels getting remarkable support." But, even so husband is not ready, at least when preparation of s(he has given support
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