Friday, December 5, 2008

make blog famous(2)

Blogs allow people to leave comments
A significant evolution when comparing a traditional website to a blog is the addition of the comments function. Each article published to a blog has an input box to allow any person from the public to leave a comment on that article.
This enhancement turned websites from one-way broadcasting devices, to two-way communication tools. Readers can directly communicate with the author of
the content, carry on the conversation started by the article and essentially turn a blog into a community.
This last point is more powerful than you think, and here’s why…
People “trust” blogs more than normal websites because blogging is a conversation
If you combine all the elements above – the personal journal style of writing, the ease of adding content leading to frequent updates, and the ability to interact with your readers - you have a formula for a very natural communication tool.
Blogs, by their nature, are considered trusted sources of information. They foster a more human relationship and, as evidenced in countless blogs today, some bloggers are perceived as respected experts, whether they are or not, purely on the back of their successful blogs.
This final point is the most significant, yet subtle element that distinguishes blogs from normal websites. If people trust the words written on a blog, if people come to like and identify with the person writing the blog, you have all the elements necessary to create a popular community focused on the creative output of just one person.
This is why any person with a passion, a hobby, or a skill, and enough motivation to produce content on a particular topic, can build an audience, keep people coming back and ultimately, monetize that traffic, establishing the potential for professional blogging.
Much of what I just explained won’t be new to some people, but it lays the groundwork for the rest of this report. If the concept of “blog” is still a bit blurry for you, head online, find some blogs and seek examples of the five points I listed above so you understand the opportunity that exists.

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